What are you drinking right now?

Gotta point out their Dead Guy Whiskey aint to bad either! Love toasting them oysters up on a bbq grill also. And so fresh? mmm

By the time I got finished with that little Pint or 1/2 liter bottle I had almost developed a taste for it. At the price I don't think I'll be drinking any more of it.

Back to back, jalapeno cream ale and a Chubber!
Is Lucky Lager considered a quality beer in the US?
Seldom even see it anymore, but I would imagine their glassware is getting pretty rare if it's original.
Put back a few Lucky Lagers back when. Dig the glass. I like older glasses. Have a bunch of Schmidt mugs and pitcher's and a few odds and ends of others. See why you want handy shelves for use. No fun collecting if ya don't see and use them.

I remember back in the early 70s when we used to get Lucky Lager for about $3/12 pack of bottles. The caps had puzzles on the inside. My dad, brothers and I drank enough that we knew all of the solutions at a glance. At the time Lucky was actually cheaper than Coke or Pepsi :)
gotta drink some tallies for upcoming comp and this is what i chose.

first up was the highly carbonated coopers sparkling ale gee this bottle is lively a much higher carbonation than ive got the keg at. its got that lovely fruity estery flavour. a good drop the old cooper:) cheers!
drinking Guinness extra stout to me tastes chocolaty earthy/woody burnt with a well rounded slight caramel sweet finish and oh so smooth yes me likes this one too!
anyone got a recipie i could have a stab at of a best extra stout? cheers
Lagunitas IPA and a shot to kill the pain caused by rototilling and planting. I know it's mashed at about 160F, but it seems sweeter than earlier versions.
Ah you stole a big rock glass from the bar, nice!
