What are you drinking right now?

After an excellent hike around Mt. Pisgah, we headed into Public House in Springfield. She has the goblet with a nitro ESB, while I’m drinking West Coast Best Coast IPA. Goes well with fish and chips, and salmon chowder.
My Dos Equis Amber Lager that was brewed the beginning of October. OG was 1.051 which was a bit lower than the 1.058 I expected. FG came out at 1.012. Bottled it towards the end of October so I could try lagering in the bottle (needed fermenter for more beers). Bit under carbonated, which I expected. Messed up my priming sugar and didn't realize it until after bottling. Still a bit early to drink but taste amazing. Wife made the labels, it is one of the six beers we will be give family for Christmas presents.

I got to taste my Juicy Pale Ale carbonated tonight. It tastes pretty damn good, but I was too conservative on the hops. I have never played with high alpha hops, so I learned something for next time.
The yeast is cool as hell. I love what it does.
View attachment 23110 After an excellent hike around Mt. Pisgah, we headed into Public House in Springfield. She has the goblet with a nitro ESB, while I’m drinking West Coast Best Coast IPA. Goes well with fish and chips, and salmon chowder.
Nitro ESB...yumm, yummier, yummiest. That got my attention:)
This tastes so different than what I recall...almost boozy and really malty!
View attachment 23114 View attachment 23115

Can't say that I've ever had a rye porter, much less brewed one. Sounds intriguing. The play between the roast malts and the spicy rye might be a great combination. I wonder what hops they used.

I'll keep that idea tucked away for a future brew design.
I wonder what hops they used.

Not sure Max...thinking piney...I'll pay more attention next can....speaking of cans...I picked some pints at Brewery Fire ...really good dry stout they did as a collaboration with Pub Dog down the road

I think I'm too old to get the joke...funny video..but a beer name?
