What are you drinking right now?

McTasty! Brown.
ok ok im early on this one but i had to show yall my lovely new lager. its big on my standards it comes in at 6.5 % its my Malt lust Lager...
i added some bicarb soda to this brew tweeking water calcs.to give it a higher bicarbonate level well it doesnt seem too minerally its a nice full/thick mouthfeel it probably needs a tad more bitterness its that malty as per the profile i intended:) this beer is young too young to be pouring a full glass but it presents well that way. im feeling this would make a great hoppy IPL beer just throw a tun a hops at it :rolleyes:.
it attenuated ok finnished 1.012 with adjusted hydrometer fermented with 34/70 1st gen im looking at doing some comparisons but ilove the malty finnish this yeast leaves without the acidic finnish. it needs some time to meld a lot of time its too raw to give any obvious flavours . i can say its clean its malty its thick its caramelly its got that hint of chocolate but the hotness is gone. im getting a prune like flavour a deep saturated maltness im looking forward to this one conditioning.

give me a month and ill showcase again.:)

its very good, never really thought fuggles as a good fruity hop but it is, I actually added an extra ounce more than the recipe in the end and I think that was the kicker
Just tried bottling from the keg with my makeshift beer gun. All 3 bottles have different headspace, but I think I've got the general hang of it. As a reward, I poured a nice glass for myself.
Now to just wait until tomorrow to try those bottles...for testing purposes
PBR. I can only drink so much stout, which is the only home brew I have ready to drink, and wanted something lighter for a nightcap. I usually keep some Pabst in the fridge.
Man my jalapeno cream ale is damn fine! The carb needs to settle a bit still and the clarity will improve over the next couple of days, but I couldn't be happier how this turned out.
