What are you drinking right now?

My cure-all for post New Years Eve hoopla, and all that ails. I swear, if they tested, a Bloody Mary would be an effective beat-down to Covid. Crispy bacon, not optional.

Screaming Weevil Broter - lots going on here. Screaming weevil because my malt had weevils ( inspiration from recent thread). Also, a pun for those of you familiar with wine. Broter because it was a brown ale recipe and then I added some leftover chocolate wheat which pushed it into a Porter style. Then added a cacao tincture.


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Enjoyed while playing a game of a$$h0!e (some call it President) with our Besties
I thought you lived in Canada, which has a Justin and not a Brandon? :rolleyes:

(It is a joke. I don't follow politics much. Tell me if I offended)
Here's the side by side of my west coast IPA vs Pocahoptas (on the right). The color is pretty dang close. This pic makes the Pokey look a little more red, but side by side in real light it's close for sure. The Pocahoptas smells better, darn. I think more Citra is apparent in the aroma than mine. Hopefully time might change that, we'll see. Bitterness seems about equal. And theirs tastes better too, sigh... my beer is still young so will probably improve with time, but the Pocahoptas is cleaner with better flavor. It was a fun experiment for sure! I know what I would change in the recipe for next time :)
Dunkel is done lagering browner than this pic. A few things I did different this time; I added 1.5% melanoidin and added some Hersbrucker hops at 15 minutes. I can tell a difference with both changes. There is a super light floral slight spice aroma. The mouthfeel is a little “thicker” and the bread crust flavor is a touch more pronounced.
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Dunkel is done lagering browner than this pic. A few things I did different this time; I added 1.5% melanoidin and added some Hersbrucker hops at 15 minutes. I can tell a difference with both changes. There is a super light floral slight spice aroma. The mouthfeel is a little “thicker” and the bread crust flavor is a touch more pronounced. View attachment 18827
Good lord!
That looks sooooo good!
Part of the PA-GA beer exchange I have going with a friend. I like the backstory on this beer. Brewery is in Kane, PA (Population ~3500) on the outskirts of the Allegheny National Forest on land once operated as a Logyard by one of the owners relatives. All I’ve been sent are NEIPAs and everyone has been very good. I know there are a couple members from PA who may or may not have heard of this. Apparently distribution is very local.


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