What are you drinking right now?

From Philadelphia’s Yards Brewing Co., one from their Revolutionary series, inspired by recipes of the Founding Fathers:

Washington’s Porter. An excellent straight-up, no frills Porter. Caramel and roast for sure, but finishes dry enough to invite another sip. One of the better Porters I’ve had in a while.

If the other guys knew as much about brewing as George then I’ll surely need to try Poor Richard’s Spruce Ale and Jefferson’s Golden Ale at some point.

Batch #2 of the three-peat extra pale. This time I left the aroma hop addition in for the ice bath. I didn't write down how much longer the hops were steeping (doh!), but based on the flavor, it was too long lol this beer has an almost perfumy and very floral nose and taste. Fortunately, cold conditioning is helping a lot, and this bottle tastes more balanced.

I also tasted my Brown Plow ale after bottling today. I'm digging it! Very excited to try this again in a few weeks. Cheers!
Please share any tasting notes! I love experiments like this.
Haha so far, bitter! I'm still tweaking with the ideal AAU that doesn't completely shrivel my mouth. Cascade, chinook, and Columbus were all more citrusy. I was surprised to taste some spiciness from the Chinook :)
Was doing dishes and sneezed, back locked up! Wife told me to get beer muscle relaxer, she is awesome that way. Sierra Nevada was the strongest I had so I drank that while she worked in straightening me up, she is an OT so she is helpful. Now I, laying flat on my back. Going to get up and eat soon and drink some else. My back is terrible had a ruptured disc and surgery at 26 years old, I’m 40 now. This happy few times a year.
Thats no good!
Hope you get yr back sorted real quick.
Meanwhile, I am drinking a mosi lager
Hope you get back on your feet real soon @Josh Hughes.
Meanwhile, enjoy more beer muscle relaxers.
On it lol. Had a Oktoberfest from Leinenkugals. Been getting a sip of whiskey each time I get up to walk around. Wife has to help me off the couch each time. Tomorrow will better
