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My latest lager

this is my recipe if anyone wants to scale it down here, it doesn't use a lager yeast, I fermented it for 3 weeks 65F to 85F just because it kept going, started out as a Oktoberfest but ended up a lager


  • Ozarks Lager_08.27.2019.pdf
    110.2 KB · Views: 102
Really going down a treat this porter wow even without the choc malt the flavours are all melded nicely that malty roasty chocolaty goodness just stays on tongue nicely I'll be adding baking soda to dark beers again I future for sure.
did ya spot this fella above the beer? I couldn't get focus on him/her as well.
it's a kookaburra they eat snakes and in my garden there probably lizards it was actually trying to pinch some of me dog food.
I throw her dinner on the lawn to feed her that way she has got to work for it well kookaburra recons it's fair game too:p!
The beer looks delicious!
Thanks yep I'm glad I brewed i will be revisiting this one again for sure. I'm starting to think cocao nibs would bring out the choc even more and i wouldn't mind some coconut but maybe that pushing it too far:).
Thanks yep I'm glad I brewed i will be revisiting this one again for sure. I'm starting to think cocao nibs would bring out the choc even more and i wouldn't mind some coconut but maybe that pushing it too far:).
Whiskey's characteristic flavors to me are vanilla and coconut - try spiking it with a little whiskey and see if you like it!
This is made in Sarnia Ontario, which is a US/CDN border town, but made me think of me mate Ben, cause he's a treat (and I'm sure he would say, a "refined" fool). So this supposed to be an Australian Pale Ale!
Love you TB!
Johnny appears to be praying, for what? One would naturally ask...
My thoughts exactly ha ha! Sure looks like an Aussie pale ale coopers green pale ale to be exact I just wonder if that was the inspiration:rolleyes:.
I get spooked by those darker/malty looking US/UK pale ales. Coopers Sparkling and Pale were the only decent beers I could find easily in Melbourne in the 80s (until Matilda Bay invaded). So that's what I think of when people mention pale ale.
