What are you doing with homebrew today?

Caught up on the forums today, haven't really had time since before Christmas. Ordered the grain for the BF 2023 1st quarter Bunyip brew.
Brewed a Salted Caramel Porter today for my wife. She is not a fan of most of my beers, and unfortunately, she probably won't like this one either. Buy hey, at least I tried.
Hey she might like bunyip then or hopefully :rolleyes: if not more for you man!
Gonna clean the sediment bulb on the oatmeal stout today. Not much activity after a week at 19C, so I’ll probably bump the temperature to 21C for another week and pull a sample. I tried to keep the mash temperature down on this batch to target a drier result. We’ll see how well it worked in another week.
Bunyip, here we come. Manually milling counts as “arm day” so I can skip the gym today :p
After having breakfast out and dropping my wife off for work, I’ll be hand cranking my mill to crush grains for my Bunyip as well. Last night I filled my kettle from the tap, so I’ll be ready to go. I’m looking forward to an enjoyable brew day.
Getting ready to mill grains for Bunyip on a beautiful winter day.
That edit came out backward, obviously grains aren’t already milled before they’re getting ready to be milled.
Anyway, I overshot my strike temp, so here I am staring out the window, waiting on a hummingbird.


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Basically breathing a sigh of relief. Huge deluge of water from two floors above on Friday (the guy in between is apparently away). Had to have the heating on more than usual to help dry the place out. I didn't want to open the cupboard with my supplies in until the humidity went down. Today, curiousity finally got the better of me. Thankfully all my spraymalt is okay but I really need to be keeping those packs in plastic storage boxes with sealed lids. At least that is what I did with the back up yeast but the temperature fluctuations won't have helped. Plenty in with the extract kits in the cool room but I don't like losing anything.

Probably going to have to delay my first brew of 2023 as I have hardly been drinking anything other than an occasional brown ale from my 5 gal keg. So there are not enough storage vessels free for the porter which I prefer in bottles. The way my back and shoulder have been acting I shall not likely be using the 5 gal again for the foreseeable once it is empty.
View attachment 23873 Thanks to @Josh Hughes for suggesting the foil strips. This is directing the majority of drips away from my kettle,

Tin foil.....the brewer's duct tape..

Busy day today....I built another crate from salvaged pallets, did a little tidying up in the bierstube and got started repairing / bullet proofing my foot switch on the stand's pump assembly.
Spent a bit of time working out what my new process will be.

I had my plumber buddy give me a cold water outlet to the left of the faucet, and a connection that goes straight to the drain on the right side of the faucet. The three valve is so I can divert chilling water to a bucket to save hot water for cleanup.

During the boil cold water will go to the condenser, and I will just let it drain into the sink.

I am going to have to drill a hole and add a port near the top of the kettle, or possibly in the lid so I can circulate wort through it to sanitize it. As I am typing and thinking, I am leaning towards the lid as a port in the kettle will interfere with the grain basket.
I've put a pet 1 litre bottle with my infected beer in the fridge in the hope that is has become drinkable :eek:
We'll know at the weekend
Spent a bit of time working out what my new process will be.

I had my plumber buddy give me a cold water outlet to the left of the faucet, and a connection that goes straight to the drain on the right side of the faucet. The three valve is so I can divert chilling water to a bucket to save hot water for cleanup.
View attachment 23880

During the boil cold water will go to the condenser, and I will just let it drain into the sink.

I am going to have to drill a hole and add a port near the top of the kettle, or possibly in the lid so I can circulate wort through it to sanitize it. As I am typing and thinking, I am leaning towards the lid as a port in the kettle will interfere with the grain basket.
View attachment 23883
Uhhh, ain't that a port way up top? With the tri-clamp plug in it??
