One item that will make that setup even better, and it's pretty cheap.
Hilitchi 40 Piece 8-29mm Key-Type Adjustable Hose Clamp Assortment Kit: Industrial & Scientific
You might find it with more of the same size clamps, but I highly recommend the thumbscrew type clamps. A lot easier on the non-dominant hand if there's no screwdriver to slip. And, I got tired of having to tweak leaking hot hose connections with a screwdriver, REAL QUICK.
Mounting your pump to a flat surface will help, too. It won't wiggle around so much and may help keep hoses out of trouble.
Also consider replacing the hose barbs with Quick Disconnects. That eliminates the wear/tear on the hoses pushing them on/off the barbs, as well as makes re-configuring the connections super easy for washing/cleaning. I put QD's on EVERYTHING. A little pricy, but VERY quick for connections, and no tools required. I also have a female non-stainless adapter for my garden hose that lets me reverse flow in anything that has QD's on it. This is handy for making sure anything that's stuck in the pump impeller is blown out. Putting them on your plate chiller would be the bees knees for cleanup. The only time I need wrenches or screwdrivers for my plumbing is if I'm tearing down for a deep clean.
If you want a list of all the fittings, say the word. I'll try to photograph my re-circ rig for you today. Procrastination and a lack of desire to be outside on a rainy day yesterday changed my schedule a bit. I don't have a sparge arm, but that is in my upgrade plans. For now, I just aim the stream into the middle of the mash and reduce the flow down so that it's about the size of a pencil. I like your top bulkhead fitting, and am considering the same for my kettle. Either that, or something better than a loose hose hanging over the side of the kettle.