I just watched
this video with Wil Wheaton (the actor) and BrewingTV. They do everything pretty much the same way I do in the mash phase. They started the vorlauf a little bit earlier than I do, but that's not really going to affect it much. They also used the burner to bump the temperature while mashing/recirculating, and I noticed they were doing all their temperature control manually (just like I do). Their technique was almost identical to what I do, up to the sparging. They did a fly sparge, I do batch sparging, and vorlauf the sparges as well. I think the jury's still out on how much difference there is in the efficiency of the two sparging techniques, but I'm pretty darn sure I've significantly bumped my efficiency. So, looks to me like if I get a grip on my mashing temperatures, that'll be a major hurtle in my beer quality. The batches where I've missed target FG, were stupid cloudy, and had lousy head retention are quite possibly due to the mashing temps being all over the place. It's just too hard to control the temperature with the monster burner. It's fantastic for getting up to boil quick, but sorta like killing a housefly with a 20-pound sledgehammer trying to hold 150-170 degrees.
Looks like I'm ordering some more stuff tomorrow. Gonna be laid up Friday (double epidural) and pretty much all weekend, so gotta get the collection ball off the Speckled Hen I got fermenting out there.