What are you doing with homebrew today?

The rubber bottom fell off my fermenting keg this morning :eek: time to head to the hardware store for epoxy
Bizarre. How old was this offending keg? I thought you just bought new kegs recently.
The rubber bottom fell off my fermenting keg this morning :eek: time to head to the hardware store for epoxy
You dump boiling wort into them Sunfire?

I had this happen to me awhile back I think it was from dumping boiling water in it to sanitize it must melt the glue .
You dump boiling wort into them Sunfire?

I had this happen to me awhile back I think it was from dumping boiling water in it to sanitize it must melt the glue .
Yep. I called the store where I got the keg and asked what they use to fix handles. It's called Master Seal NP-1. So far so good. Went on easy and didn't require any mixing like epoxy
Sad day, my keg of Herms went dry.
Cleaning the keg...
May have to do this one again.
Just emptied water and added ice to my cooler to continue “crashing” my Vienna lager. Yes I know I need a fermentation fridge. But the new house I’d have to buy in a divorce would cost more.
Ha! I had an old fridge that I turned into a ferm and serving fridge. You might find a second fridge on something like Craigslist, a neighbor just not needing an extra fridge of similar, under $100. Just need a way to get it home. Keep looking, one will show up.

We used it often for extra cold storage like when we had a party. You know, to keep the big lasagna cold before everyone came over...
Ha! I had an old fridge that I turned into a ferm and serving fridge. You might find a second fridge on something like Craigslist, a neighbor just not needing an extra fridge of similar, under $100. Just need a way to get it home. Keep looking, one will show up.

We used it often for extra cold storage like when we had a party. You know, to keep the big lasagna cold before everyone came over...
Either that or free if your in the right place at the right time:).
He ain't kiddin. I've heard similar ultimatum.

Actually, the missus is very supportive of the hobby. Keeps me from sitting in bars drinking (like I ever did that before) and certainly keeps me off the road after a few. The biggest highlight is it keeps me outta her hair-do and her outta mine. She's got her knitting, I got my brewing. She's pretty tickled about my cooling chamber, though. Not sure I saved any more than buying a used fridge, but I won't tell her that. If only I had enough ice containers now. I'd be trying it out on this batch. It ain't got all the polish and spit shine on it yet, but appears to be funcitonal.

Ennyhoo, warming strike and sparge water now for this. Sorry Tim, had to tweak it a bit for what the LHBS had. Probably won't even resemble what your recipe tastes like, but I'm,optimistic. As you labeled it, it's experimental. Brew day getting a late start but talked myself into doing this instead of my oatmeal stout. Think I'm gonna have to get a new smackpack of Nottie for that one. I'll get some DME and see if it's viable, but silly me left it in the truck when I got home the day I bought the ingredients and got side-tracked, letting the truck get pretty hot before I remembered it was in there. I'll waste a pound of DME on it, but not a whole batch of beer.

AND last but not least, I now know what bad yeast culture smells like. The missus found some captured S-33 I left (lost) in the kitchen fridge back in April. It did NOT keep. If I had a dog, I'd have blamed the odor on it when I opened that jar. PEEEEEEYEEEWWWW!


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Mash-in started. Hurry up and wait mode now. Guess I could do the time-consuming task of dumping the hops in the cage.
