What are you doing with homebrew today?

Usually festbiers are served in September. They benefit from lagering, so now would be a good time to brew one...
Again, did I miss a memo? I thought now was ALWAYS a good time to brew some beer. Any beer. I don't care about seasons, mostly because it's a different season somewhere on the planet. "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" -- J. Buffett
Again, did I miss a memo? I thought now was ALWAYS a good time to brew some beer. Any beer. I don't care about seasons, mostly because it's a different season somewhere on the planet. "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" -- J. Buffett
OK :) some people like to brew seasonally I guess
Cool beans. Got the crippleware version for the moment, and look forward to the 40 minutes it'll let me go. Keeping the link handy.....
Enjoyed the meeting. Was good to listen and learn from folks that have been doing this a while,and put faces to some of the names. Don't have a camera on my desktop PC, so maybe next time I give all of ya a good scare by using the laptop.
It was nice chatting with you Tim! Hope to see (or hear) you next time
Line cleaning it's been awhile

Took FG on Herms Wheat


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Hmmm, don't think I've ever had much cider, certainly not a memorable one. Might have to make a small batch. Does the Wally World stuff (which claims to be 100% juice) work well? Just juice and yeast?

We kept bees when I was a kid, and I learned a lot about honey (as well as the fact I'm mildly allergic to honey bee sting)Wally World's 'pure' honey is usually about 70% corn syrup with a bit of honey for flavoring, made to look like nice elderberry honey (VERY clear). Don't have much elderberry in this area, but TONS of clover, which makes a very dark honey. Pure honey won't go to sugar as it would be pretty useless for bees to store it like that. I usually try to get honey from local bee keepers. I'm thinking something along the lines of a Honey Apple cider. That sounds like it would make ya slap yer tongue for having too much fun. Anybody try doing it with different yeast? What was the target flavors (besides apple which is a good flavor). Somethin' tells me I'd probably make some really bad vinegar, much like my first attempt at mead. That did NOT go well.

Time to replace my 1 gallon carboy that I knocked the bottom out of by pouring boiling wort in it. Silly me didn't check to see if it was tempered first.
Very interesting. I had written them off! How long did they take to swell?
One swelled up tight in 2 days(8/15 expo date) the other two APPEAR to have swelled a little(7/2 expo). either way, I'll just pitch all 3 and see what happens.
