System upgrade weekend

The entire hot-side oxidation issue was settled some time ago: No effect.

You should know better than to say this in a LODO thread. Especially one where CRUNK constructively provided objective evidence.

Thanks to Crunk BTW for posting the results. I also don't feel the benefits are worth my own investment but I'm not everybody and the feedback is great for some later time when I consider upgrades or changes to equipment or processes.
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You should know better than to say this in a LODO thread. Especially one where CRUNK constructively provided objective evidence.

Thanks to Crunk BTW for posting the results. I also don't feel the benefits are worth my own investment but I'm not everybody and the feedback is great for some later time when I consider upgrades or changes to equipment or processes.
That was the point.
I'm new to brewing, only 10 batches (The first 7 have been dumped) i never brewed a day in my life till i decided to quit smoking, i knew i needed something to keep me busy. I have alot to learn but i have made a fair investment to a hobby i really enjoy.

This video shows batches 8 and 9 side by side comparison left is batch 9 (lodo) right is batch 8 ( non lodo)

Batch 9 I filtered batch 8 is not because I lost a noticeable amount of flavor, the video is taken while the beer is at 38°f

I'm convinced lodo makes a worth while difference, and I'm glad I was directed to this site early in my learning process, before any bad habits were formed.

I just had a friend do a blind taste test, he chose the LODO as the beer he preferred.

Needless to say I have 10 gallons of beer in kegs, and another 5 in a fermentor ready to transfer to a keg. They will not last long.

My final test for me was to stand my lodo up next to a whienstefaner original premium I purchased, and the flavor of my LODO is so close that I am happy and have to give my gratitude to all of you who helped guide me along the way, and all the efforts you all have made to clear the path to happiness.

Here's the link to the short 1 minute video

Bottom line is if it works for you, it works. Period. And I have to admire one thing: After ten brews, I was just timidly approaching all-grain brewing! You're already onto an experimental procedure. One of the things about this site, we may present alternative points of view but if it's working for you, I won't tell you it's wrong. There's not a lot of good experimental evidence for low oxygen brewing. It's still in a kind of scientific gray zone, neither proven nor debunked. That's where I come from, a very analytical, scientific perspective (not that I haven't tried something on the fly here or there). But if it works it works. Just proving that yeast was the agent of fermentation took millennia! I would try some formal triangle tests but then, that's the process geek in me speaking. You're not wrong, nor am I, nor is anyone else. It's a hobby, kind of like art. If it works, it works.
@ nosybear, your last sentence struck home with me, (it's a hobby kinda like art) that is the perfect way to explain brewing and the many different ways of achieving our own happiness.
I had to draw another glass it damn good.


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Yep nice looking brew crunk now is that the LODO brew?:D

Yep with a heap of delish beer just sitting in the keg waiting to be drunk is dangerous a lesson in self control:).

After watching your side by side comparison you can clearly see a dramatic difference in colour between the two. I would be reaching dor the lighter looking beer it looks like a pilsner the other like an ale great stuff crunk!
Yes this is the LODO, and thanks to all the information and advice from you guys, it helped me get here.

I felt almost like i invented fire when I tasted it. They say this is the hardest beer to brew, so I'm looking forward to improving it, and venturing into some other styles, to keep things fresh, and not get burned out on one style.

Most of all, I want to share this beer.
Last evening I held a blind taste test with 4 beers. My non lodo batch, my 1st lodo batch, coors banquet, and wiehenstaphaner original premium.

I had 10 people over for the test. 4 friends and 2 of their wives, and another 2 couples (friends of friends) so I had a mix of avid beer drinkers, and a couple folks who are not beer drinkers per say.

Of the 4 beers this was the tallied votes on 3 different categories (aroma, head/foam, taste)

Aroma/ head&foam / taste
Non lodo=0/1/0
Coors banquet=1/0/3
Wiehenstaphaner original premium=4/1/2

The non lodo and lodo batches where the same recipe, and mash schedule, boil, etc....

They all said the lighter taste of the LODO was preferred over the wiehenstaphaner, my perception of their responses leads me to believe they are just more accustomed to the lighter flavor of American beer.
I agree Ive ran into that from the 50 and older generation, thats all they drank up until this big craft movement and most people really don't like change, personally I could care less Il try it, if I don't like it I just don't drink it again lol but most home brew is very forgiving and aging a beer for 60 days makes a huge difference in the taste if your going for a clean taste anyway
I found the results surprisingly in my favor, I really didn't foresee the tally to turn out like that.

I was a pleasant suprise.
Are you saying crunk that you did a taste test with your LODO brew and an comercial beer and served this to your guests and they favoured your LODO beer over the comercial stuff?
That's correct 4 different beers 2 commercial beers, one lodo homebrew, and one non lodo homebrew

All in glasses, so the clarity, and head were visible even though we did not grade on clarity. All were blind tasted, so impartiality was maintained, no one in the group tasted either of my 2 beers before. They may have had the 2 commercial beers before.

I was quite blow away, by the results, I thought the wiehenstaphaner would easily win on the tally. The guests all thought it was kinda flat, or under carbed.
That's correct 4 different beers 2 commercial beers, one lodo homebrew, and one non lodo homebrew

All in glasses, so the clarity, and head were visible even though we did not grade on clarity. All were blind tasted, so impartiality was maintained, no one in the group tasted either of my 2 beers before. They may have had the 2 commercial beers before.

I was quite blow away, by the results, I thought the wiehenstaphaner would easily win on the tally. The guests all thought it was kinda flat, or under carbed.
You'll have to get some of this LODO beer in to be tasted in a competition.
Planning on it
Loving what your putting down so far crunk your an inspiration to me ive only been all grain for a little over a year all up 3-4 all up after tipping me big toe in trying traditional home made ginger beer from ginger beer plants the sour dough type.where you get a.mother happening after this i found beer is easy only one yeast not wild yeast;) to be continued i suppose.

But i love me a pils and i love me a malty german Oktoberfest this is where i feel most comfortable in brewing is the german styles i love their beers so im all ears crunk you just might convince me to go LODO not LOCO:p.
