System upgrade weekend

Brewday complete, small adjustments to be made, but a successful day, my greenhouse efficiency improved by 4 points, since I adapted so much to my system my water was off by .5 gallons but I will adjust that.

My ph from start to finish was in perfect range I'll add the specifics later.

The srm definitely without a doubt comes in nearly a whole point lower when under low oxygen conditions. Which in the end means nothing.

I did a infusion step mash,
Dough in at 133
145 for 30 minutes
162 for 40 minutes
169 for 15 minutes

Gelatination was noticeably more at the end of the mash.

Since I added a motor for mash agitation at 33 rpm, (best i could achieve), I only needed to recirculate for 10 minutes, the wort during slaughtering was noticeable clearer.

I need to perfect my whirlpool, maybe another pump, I'll be looking into that.

I'm 2 shots of crown royal and a 6 pack of munched hofbrau original into a really nice evening, so I'll leave you all with that. Please feel free to post questions and ill answer them after my hangover, and feel free to recommend adjustments.
morning after,

My DO meter was reading 0.3 at the start of the brewday, I ended the brewday with a post boil reading of 0.7 so I must have a small leak somewhere, or I need to slow down part of the process.

I am going to invest in my own mill, as my efficiency jumped 4 points but is still low. I'm concerned about my ph as I used both test strips and my ph meter, the meter showed I stayed between 5.38 and 5.46, but the strips were showing much lower ph levels below 4.1

My target og was 1.048 I only hit 1.042, readings taken with both a refractometer, and a hydrometer matching readings.

I got to use my blichmann in line wort aerator it worked like a charm, I set it for 8 to 10 ppm no problems that I could interpret.

I pitched at 50°f, my starter was at 48°f 34/70 for 48 hours. It was a 1.75 litre starter. It should be just fine.

The srm is shocking, what was estimated to be 3.89, came out approximately 2.9 using the LODO process.

I started with distilled water, I'm sure I need some guidance on this topic, any help is appreciated, I will post a picture of my water chemistry with this post.

And my rest temperatures where only off by 1 degree from start to finish, confirmed by 3 different thermometers.

In a couple hours I will go check my fermentor for airlock activity but in the end, it's still a successful brewday, I learned more about my system and brewing in general, and I very much enjoyed the whole day. I can't think of any missing information, but feel free to run me through the grinder, I'll do my best to supply answers.


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one thing your Ca needs to be 50 or above, thats calcium and a key to yeast performance, try adding yeast nutrient, and I mean a tablespoon next brew day also recirculating is more important than mixing, you mix or stir to loosen the grain, the recirculation helps pull more sugar out of the grain and will result to a better efficiency
I can recirculate and stir simultaneously then stop stirring to set the grainbed, that bring my efficiency up more I suspect.

No problem bringing up the calcium.

Thank you for the advice Ozark.
4.1 pH does not sound right for distilled water and light grain if you're not adding acid somewhere. I'd favor the meter reading, unless the probe is old or hasn't otherwise been calibrated recently.
Calibrated last week, I think the strips are bad. My system is totally sealed from oxygen ingress.

It's the second time I have been in my numbers with no acid needed. I did use acidulated malt in my recipe both times.
Hey crunk have you checked out the LODO exbeerment on brulosophy website I'm sure you'll garner some more info on this style of brewing. If I remember his brew house was down Too.
Yup been their trialben, just a few needed tweaks, and ill be off and running, i have been figuring out the next steps to take but its gonna be a few weeks till i can brew again as i got vacation coming up, so i didnt want anything in limbo while im gone.
Yeah I'm going to hold back for now and let the brave hearted Brewers battle this one out untill there is rock solid evidence that it's worth converting brew system for.
One would wonder if the SMB was removed from the process, if that would make a noticeable difference. I realize that the purpose of the SMB is to oxygen scavenge, but if the negatives (sulfur smell/taste), outweigh the positives (low oxygen), then why not remove it from the equation all together. The other steps (grain soak, boil HLT water, etc., etc.), may still get the beer closer to the "it" factor.

I have also read where cinnamon added to the mash (1/2 - 1 tsp) will also scavenge oxygen and will not impart a cinnamon flavor to the finished product at such a low dose. I don't know how effective cinnamon is over SMB at the appropriate doses, but maybe worth a try.

I am anxious to hear Crunk's thoughts...
I can't say they are wrong and won't, its really personal taste preferences, I can't say LODO is the turning point, what I can say, is it does have different outcomes on the beer, differences that are noticeable to me, but I am new to brewing so I don't qualify myself as experienced enough to beat any drums, but I'm still trying it, and ill keep the updates coming.
Gotta love the pioneering! Go Crunk!
I just brewed Saturday got an og 1042, expected fg 1007 today I took a gravity reading the hydrometer is telling me it's already at 1014, I planned on spunding the last 6 points.

Is it even possible in 72 hours??
Left glass lodo helles, right glass non lodo helles, both used wlp830

Left 6 weeks lagering
Right 8 weeks lagering

Neither one has been filtered yet, I am picking up 2 serving kegs tomorrow.


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The lodo helles tastes fresher, smells cleaner ( meaning I can easily differentiate the aromas )

This is not OMG night and day differences but they are distinct and easily picked out.
