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What ya got for a tap chamber? Perhaps i'll scroll back - seems it gets me in the mood to build things though, scares me

this is going to change, that's the point, going to create a collar on top of the freezer, paint the walls and add oak glass shelves and create a beer menu


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Ah, i remember seeing those pictures now. Yeah that 2" conduit should do the trick.. I guess you might put one up with a T for the lines to come out of, and then return back so you have circulation? Sure will help with getting that first pour foam under control!
Top is hot liquor then mash tun then kettle at bottom? Looks the goods hawkbox
Yup, the top drains a little slow. I may need to find a better way someday and it's hard to see it but I'll get there. I need to get rid of all the damned kegs so I have room to work again.
your must wife has a green thumb, it's as green as mine, I'm covered in green here, it's a curse and a blessing I live in a green house bubble, if you look at my town on google satellite all you can see is trees no town at all lol
Just finishing up my mash kettle upgrade. New circulation system and an upgraded 6" thermometer. For the record, drilling stainless sucks. I'll give the rig a trial run this weekend with Denny's Wry Smile Rye IPA recipe.
Working on the Wort Chiller Mk2. This one is using an AC unit and RV Antifreeze.

I'm about to test it on a 10 Gallon batch.

Oh yea, it was -11C when I last checked the liquid. Flameout starts!
Not sure if this will help anyone with the Keezer or build but I am in the process of doing mine right now. I decided to paint it brown and then trim it with brown stained wood. If you look at the picture you can see where the coils are going, so if you plan on drilling or are scared to drill this might be a trick to try.

A few months ago when I was building my keezer I drilled through the line of a brand new freezer. Doh!!!!
If you put a collar on it there is no need to take the chance. Our forebrewers came up with the collar idea and it is a good one.
I did get a wire in my first kegerator. Got lucky and no tubes though.
Yeah I did a collar cause I was scared of that.
Well, been a while - summer gets in the way of the computer it seems, LOL

More progress around the garage - finally got around to starting my upgrade from 3 taps to 8, and building my new tower.

Built new trunk line, 8 beverages surrounding 4 glycol lines. All 1/4" ID 3/8" OD polyethylene tubing. Surrounded that with seran wrap, then by aluminum foil. 24" of reflectix wrapped around about 3 times, and a whole whack of patience. I am quite happy with the result.

Got some 6" leaders going from the taps to the poly tubing in the tower since the poly doesn't seem to seal well even with clamps to the tap backs.

Going to install 12" of leader on the keg side as well (still left to do) - give some flexibility in the keg cooler and help stressing the poly connections.

Got the math done for balancing (check by all means!)
14' 8" of poly tubing, 1/4" ID - total of 7.3 psi
18" total of 3/16" vinyl tubing - total of 4.5 psi
48" vertical rise - 2psi
Hoping to set regulator to 14psi (beer temperature about 38 F) - 2.7 ish volumes (give or take). Will lower psi if necessary and sacrafice pour speed to get carbonation just right.

Plan to change out leader lengths in the keg cooler if necessary for higher carbed beers if necessary - easy to do. I don't have 8 regulators day

Tower was built out of materials laying around the house, pretty cheap that way and matches the place! 1.5" insulation inside, taped off. the 4 glycol lines interconnect inside the tower, and I have some excess poly in there as you can see in the picture. This allows for the tower cooling. Testing last few days and at an ambient temperature of 75F, it 2 thermometers show about 38 F inside the tower, upper and lower. I am hoping that's cool enough inside, otherwise will install a small stainless coil on the supply line of the glycol (before entering the trunk) to absorb a little more heat.

Managed to put to use all the taps i had, and only had to buy a few. Will change out the left most one eventually, as I don't like how it sticks so much, and probably get rid of the flow control intertap - seems cool, but i have no need for it. it will be the only "oddball" left.

Currently got the lines spliced together in the keg cooler so that tap one is connected to tap 2, 3 to 4 etc. Got this nifty growler filler the other day that goes directly into the spout with orings, rather that the other one I have where I have to remove the spout to screw it in.
Tomorrow will circulate cleaners / sanitize through them all to give it a 1 last before plumbing in the disconnects for the kegs and testing!

Then, on the hunt for a decent drip tray - drain or no drain?


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Ah your a bloody ripper there @sn00ky
Im looking down the barrel of a near future keggerator build im looking to buil mine into a moveable bar feature but still keep the 3 font tower and go with a nice varnished piece of timber stuck onto the freezer lid also have the whole thing on castors so can maneuver it all for clean out. Your an inspiration but will show the missus your tower ideah and pitch a decorative rock type tile design see if she gives me the nod. She said the collar style looks ugly:rolleyes:. Well shell never be looking at it....:p!
