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Had a big pine cut down last week, it had borers and was dying. Asked for a couple slices, and one turned into this, for the beergarden.
View attachment 29341
The “butt cheeks” on that suggest an old lightning strike. Got several in a very similar state, just bigger. I milled two 6x6 beams from some that broke off over the last couple years using a homemade jig and 2x4 for a saw guide today. Wanted to see what saw milling (the hard way) was all about. I will say that the amount of labor and fuel costs alone make me think a decent quality bandsaw is a much better choice for sawing up trees.

The “butt cheeks” on that suggest an old lightning strike. Got several in a very similar state, just bigger. I milled two 6x6 beams from some that broke off over the last couple years using a homemade jig and 2x4 for a saw guide today. Wanted to see what saw milling (the hard way) was all about. I will say that the amount of labor and fuel costs alone make me think a decent quality bandsaw is a much better choice for sawing up trees.
The tree guy said the same thing: it was an old lightning strike. Unfortunately it never healed in the insects got the better of it.
Ihave a couple Ash trees that the borrers have destroyed and need to come down. It would be nice to have them cut into boards
Ihave a couple Ash trees that the borrers have destroyed and need to come down. It would be nice to have them cut into boards
Yeah, my target is rough-cut stuff for building some lean-to sheds that I can put my tractor implements in. I've let at least 30 rather large pines stand out there and rot after beetles got 'em, and it seems such a waste. Especially considering the price of lumber at the big box stores.
The high price of lumber isn't from the price of the logs.
Nothing truer said. But if I state my opinion on WHY the price is high, I'll likely get put in a corner by a mod. Never would I intentionally insult or offend anyone, but I don't hesitate to say things that do it quite easily these days, and the bad part (I guess) is that I don't really care if someone is offended by something I say. But I just paid my annual membership and would rather not be censored until it's closer to time to pay them again. :oops:
Finally got some basement time to reassemble my canning storage cupboard and take back some space in the brewery.
Nothing truer said. But if I state my opinion on WHY the price is high, I'll likely get put in a corner by a mod. Never would I intentionally insult or offend anyone, but I don't hesitate to say things that do it quite easily these days, and the bad part (I guess) is that I don't really care if someone is offended by something I say. But I just paid my annual membership and would rather not be censored until it's closer to time to pay them again. :oops:
Ahhh, we're pretty liberal (in a conservative sense) with what folks write here. Go wild. Ish. :p
