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Zambi...the beans are not acidic enough for simple water bath canning so freeze them if you are able...tomatoes are acidic enough for a year's time in the can waterbathed,, longer if you got the means to pressure can them.

Speaking of tomatoes....this year's heirlooms are off and climbing while the peppers are still in germination
Pretty cool Ben. This sounds so simple but yet I’ve not heard of it. Nice growth on the plants too
Great Ben
I got papaya leaves "fermenting". I read somewhere it would make a decent insecticide. Haven't tried it yet
I like your idea of putting them in a bag. Gotta be easier to decant (maybe my very old biab bag).

Still looking at frames to grow my beans, butternut, cucumber and pumpkin.
I was thinking of a shadehouse, but now I'm thinking of maybe just the frame, and letting those climbers sort out the shade
Well its to cold and the ground is frozen. I do have a greenhouse but I don't heat it. Yesterday looked at my vines and jus made a pruning plan. The orchard needs pruning as well and picked up a chipper yesterday so I can chip right in the orchard. It may be to noisy but I'll try ot
