It's going to take a couple of years to get my soil right.
After moving last year and trying to dig up the rock hard clay I have, I decided to just buy some garden mix from a local supplier. Bad move as it was loaded with wood chips and leaves. Short story, nitrogen deficiency.
I started this fall with loading grass clippings and more leaves as top dressing. I'll continue with just grass clippings in spring, but for now, I'm bringing home spent grains from work.
For my 1BBL. batches, I average about 70# per batch.
So far I have brought home ~15 batches and will continue throughout the winter.
I'm in a micro climate zone 5, bordering zone 4 or so I'm told from a local nursery. This cuts down on the smell and the deer love it for now.
I'll most likely have to turn it in the spring, but after that, I'm only a top dresser.
I'll get some pictures at some point.