Show me your gardening Progress

Looks like a beautiful day, sent the rain down the road.
Some bounty
Started making a delicious salad dressing that uses an ungodly amount of fresh herbs. Tired of spending $10 every week at the grocery I decided to grow them all this year. Too early for starts at the Lowe's, so I set up some seed trays and soil tonight
Basil, Rosemary, organic sweetie cherry tomatoes, Bodacious tomato, 4th of July tomato, chili pepper, Thai pepper, jalapeno, hot lemon pepper, all started today.
I still need to get seeds for the other starts, but at least some is done.


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I guess you’d call this the start of progress. My wife wanted some raised garden beds in the back yard of the new house we’re building. Landscaper wanted an arm and a leg, so I decided to DIY. Even though it was still pricey, I got a deal on cedar I couldn’t pass up. I forgot how heavy lumber is so after three 8-10 hour days I’m look forward to a little R&R.


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This is one of my raised beds super productive bur you gotta top up the bed with new soil or compost every season.

She was busy planting rocks for me :D :oops: .

I decided on colorbond in-between hard wood corner posts that the colorbind tie in Less Termite food.

This beds got a tomoate start and some beans purple ones also plenty of stinking Rodgers a Gardner's best friend

This is a close up of my capsicum in the other bed it's capsicum and sweet potatoes down bottom.

This is my future ginger beer plants lol
I guess you’d call this the start of progress. My wife wanted some raised garden beds in the back yard of the new house we’re building. Landscaper wanted an arm and a leg, so I decided to DIY. Even though it was still pricey, I got a deal on cedar I couldn’t pass up. I forgot how heavy lumber is so after three 8-10 hour days I’m look forward to a little R&R.
You need to ask the friends in town for help on projects like that ;)
My indoor seed starts didn't get enough light and I don't have space for a grow light. So i put in some work on the flower bed and containers (dumped everything out, added fertilizer, compost, and coffee grounds). I got some cold tolerant seeds in the ground, like radishes, onions, snap peas, lettuces, and parsley. Last frost date is around April 15th here, so I'm holding off on the rest of the veggie and herb seeds for now
My indoor seed starts didn't get enough light and I don't have space for a grow light. So i put in some work on the flower bed and containers (dumped everything out, added fertilizer, compost, and coffee grounds). I got some cold tolerant seeds in the ground, like radishes, onions, snap peas, lettuces, and parsley. Last frost date is around April 15th here, so I'm holding off on the rest of the veggie and herb seeds for now
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Were not until the 2nd week of May!
I got some more seeds started tonight.
Thyme, Oregano, more peppers and tomatoes.
I don't have high hopes for the peppers as they are 2 years old and went through the dehydrator, but hopefully some will start as they were my favorite.
Time will tell
