Our blueberry bushes are blooming right now. We have a lot of wild huckleberry and cherry that I’m leaving for the birds as I’m clearing out a lot of undergrowth and poison ivy. There’s plenty wild blackberries as well.Our 3 raised beds will soon be joined by a fourth. We planted red clover as a cover crop in 2 of them, which has been turned under. The third bed, planted with fennel, garlic and spinach last autumn is mostly thriving, though the spinach looks a little weary after several snow storms and light freezes. My wife has big plans for our garden, including carrots, potatoes and onions to start, along with leaf lettuces, peppers and tomatoes. Our apple trees’ buds are bursting, and we have 5 blueberry bushes starting to come to life. We’re looking forward to some production.
Our house was built in 1975, and I’d wager none of the previous owners ever ventured past the first drainage ditch. I’ve put culverts in the two main ditches so I can cross them to get to the back of the lot. Maybe their kids played back there with all the snakes and creepers, but none of the back 2/3 of the lot was touched for at least 20 years when I bought it. The property is nearly 600 feet front to back, and only the front 125 feet or so has lawn on it. The rest was feral and overgrown. I can now see all the way back to the neighborhood behind us. I bought a Kubota LX-2610 November 2021, and it’s made a huge difference in my progress with cleaning up the lot. The tractor is one of my retirement toys. I’m too old for clearing land by hand with primitive tools.