Show me your gardening Progress

Our 3 raised beds will soon be joined by a fourth. We planted red clover as a cover crop in 2 of them, which has been turned under. The third bed, planted with fennel, garlic and spinach last autumn is mostly thriving, though the spinach looks a little weary after several snow storms and light freezes. My wife has big plans for our garden, including carrots, potatoes and onions to start, along with leaf lettuces, peppers and tomatoes. Our apple trees’ buds are bursting, and we have 5 blueberry bushes starting to come to life. We’re looking forward to some production.
Our blueberry bushes are blooming right now. We have a lot of wild huckleberry and cherry that I’m leaving for the birds as I’m clearing out a lot of undergrowth and poison ivy. There’s plenty wild blackberries as well.

Our house was built in 1975, and I’d wager none of the previous owners ever ventured past the first drainage ditch. I’ve put culverts in the two main ditches so I can cross them to get to the back of the lot. Maybe their kids played back there with all the snakes and creepers, but none of the back 2/3 of the lot was touched for at least 20 years when I bought it. The property is nearly 600 feet front to back, and only the front 125 feet or so has lawn on it. The rest was feral and overgrown. I can now see all the way back to the neighborhood behind us. I bought a Kubota LX-2610 November 2021, and it’s made a huge difference in my progress with cleaning up the lot. The tractor is one of my retirement toys. I’m too old for clearing land by hand with primitive tools.
We're supposed to get 6" of snow tomorrow, so just planning for now.
After 2 years, my garden soil is finally workable.
I went out and turned about 15' of it by hand on Sunday and it was like black butter!
I'm excited to see how it performs this year but still too early for even cold weather crops just yet.
My new "pumpkin patch " has about 250# of spent grain on it so far with more to come. I'll be turning that into the hard, but fertile clay that is under it.
I'm planning a "Dills Atlantic Giant" for that and hope to grow one over 500#. The grandkids should love it!
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We are supposed to get 5cm (2") tomorrow, it won't stay long, supposed to be at or slightly above freezing, and sunny on Saturday.
What, no flamethrower?:rolleyes:

Actually, I'm jealous.
Unfortunately, in the city limits, and we have a burn ban from May until November every year. Otherwise, yeah, it could get a little scary around here when I start getting things to help me clear underbrush.
And they're off....

Giving the peppers and tomatoes a little temperature control love...
On a beautiful day to be outside, I spent yesterday working around the yard. I turned and fluffed the compost pile, finding some fat night crawlers that someday might be used to tempt trout in the local creeks and ponds. I also turned the soil again in our raised beds, and pulled a bunch of weeds. It is awesome to see the neighbor’s cherry tree full of blossoms this morning, though the wind driven rain might be knocking those blossoms off right now. And then there are the deep purple crocus in our front yard; I think they are an unplanned tribute to my late mother, who was known for her smart purple attire.
That's so cool how you heating it heat matt?
Yeah, some real hobby repurposing cross pollinating action going on here... gardening heat mats that get used for fermenting and a homebrewed Inkbird setup that gets used in gardening! I think i need to start raising chickens to make it a symbiotic trifecta!
Impressive for mid gotta be REAL south!
No kidding!
Winter is having a going away party here now. It has been a mild winter, but recently we have had a few snowfalls, and it has been below freezing mostly for the last few weeks. I'm honestly done with this shite
No kidding!
Winter is having a going away party here now. It has been a mild winter, but recently we have had a few snowfalls, and it has been below freezing mostly for the last few weeks. I'm honestly done with this shiteView attachment 24653
Enjoy it while you can. Ahh, ya' know, once you move South you'll miss the snow.

Ha! No you won't!
It’s below freezing this morning here in Eugene, Oregon, but the sun is shining and it’s forecast to be a warm day. I’m gearing up to drive up to Willamette Pass to ski today. Next week we might get more snow here in the valley, so winter isn’t done yet. My wife will be staying home today to work in the garden, she wants to get some plants in the ground.
