Here in Central Oregon, our weather is finally forecasted to look like Autumn, which is a good time to get some plants in the ground. The first rains of fall are supposed to begin this weekend, a welcome relief from heat and wildfire smoke.
We have 3 raised beds and a pair of espaliered apples, along with a couple sad looking blueberry bushes. Unfortunately, our “soil” is hard pan clay that resists a shovel, but gives way to a pick axe. Last week we worked to get some plants in the ground - 3 more blueberry bushes, and a red currant. Two of our three raised beds were planted with red clover as a cover crop, which will be turned under in late winter. The third raised bed we planted with some late season carrots, some fennel and spinach, a basil plant and several bulbs of garlic. All around our back yard, we’re fighting to control horsetail ferns.
Here is a look at part of our garden. Where I stood to take the photo is a slope on which the 5 blueberry bushes are planted. The apple trees are at the near edge of the deck.
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