[QUOTE="OkanaganMike, post: 28463, member: 1. Letting them sit and prolly start the Dunkelweizen in 2 weeks. Wooohoo!
Hey Okanagan mikey boy how'd your Dunkle weaten turn out

you get the roastiness and colour you were after in this brew. I was just reading through thread and thought i didn't get a follow up on your roast malts mate? Well I hope she came through for ya

hope your not frozen solid over there in maple land

Brewed it on the 6th after work. Complete shit show brew day what with brewing in the dark under the Christmas lights in -10C and bloody gale force winds.

Had a bit of trouble with holding mash temps in the wrapped keggle so ended up with a 90min mash. After the boil, had a hell of a time with my water lines and plate chiller freezing up.

Man! The stuff we do for our hobbies eh? Anyways, its only been 2 weeks and I'm figuring on bottling on the 27th so they have 3weeks to condition before the brew off Jan 18th. (Thinking bottling as I need to carb to 3 - 3.5 levels which is way more than my typical 2.2 in the kegs.) Hard to say if the color was affected as I had darker malts in the recipe as well. The yeast starter I made took right off and I'm pretty excited to try this beer out! Never made a Dunkel before or brewed with wheat so not sure if I'm gonna get what I'm expecting or not.
On the plus side, the arctic front thats been slapping all of Canada and most of the U.S has finally shifted and it +6 today! Gotta love the West coast even if I'm 4-5 hrs inland from it!
Title: Dunkelweizen Heinkel Schnitzelblitzen
Brew Method: BIAB
Style Name: Dunkles Weissbier
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 5.5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Boil Size: 7.5 gallons
Boil Gravity: 1.040
Efficiency: 75% (brew house)
Original Gravity: 1.055
Final Gravity: 1.016
ABV (standard): 5.13%
IBU (tinseth): 22.63
SRM (morey): 21.7
4 lb - American - White Wheat (36.8%)
1.5 lb - American - CaraCrystal Wheat Malt (13.8%)
3 lb - American - Pilsner (27.6%)
2 lb - Canadian - Munich Dark (18.4%)
4 oz - German - Carafa II (2.3%)
2 oz - German - Melanoidin (1.1%)
1 oz - Domestic Hallertau, Type: Pellet, AA: 6, Use: Boil for 60 min, IBU: 22.63
1) Infusion, Temp: 150 F, Time: 60 min
1 each - Whirlfloc, Time: 15 min, Type: Fining, Use: Boil
Wyeast - Weihenstephan Weizen 3068
Starter: Yes
Form: Liquid
Attenuation (custom): 69%
Flocculation: Low
Optimum Temp: 64 - 75 F
Fermentation Temp: 66 F