Roast your own!

Same here from 2000kms to the North! Hey TB tell us whats happening there so we know what to expect tomorrow!
Usual Mondayitis! Kinda day that looks too good to be working but then I think ah well if I did have the day off I'd just be brewing beer:D.

Your either making it or spending it money that is. With beer it's your either making it or drinking it he he:D
Usual Mondayitis! Kinda day that looks too good to be working but then I think ah well if I did have the day off I'd just be brewing beer:D.

Your either making it or spending it money that is. With beer it's your either making it or drinking it he he:D
I do have the day off. Brewing was already planned!
I do have the day off. Brewing was already planned!
Yep I think it's a good excuse for a day off to brew some beer! Very serious business if I were to run outta beer :eek: it is detrimental to my well being :D
Well it looks like I'm going to brew this this arvo after work! Missus wants to go camping over weekend so brew day is comprised and I don't want to miss out on either lol:p. So I've milled me grains filled kettle to mash volume measured out hops and added salts to water. When I get home from work all I gotta do is light the flame baby and let the brew arvo/night roll;)

My final tweeking on this recipe there ain no going back everything is primed ready to go!
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Great news, TB... brew away, mate!

Should be ready for drinking in about 4 weeks... perfect time for me to get my plane tickets for Golden Beach :D
If it wasn't so inconvenient to brew while camping, I would've loved to have done that. So I had to settle for making jerky. Much more doable.
If it wasn't so inconvenient to brew while camping, I would've loved to have done that. So I had to settle for making jerky. Much more doable.
"Settling for jerky" is a phrase I do not understand
Yeah, poor choice of words!


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Yeah, poor choice of words!
You gotta have something to mung on whilst consuming your favourite bevy eh?:D That pic is a vegetarians nightmare:eek: or a cows:eek: ha ha. I'm sure you could get some duel use outta that smoker by smoking some malts...
I've only done beef, until a couple days ago. I lent my smoker to a friend so he could run 3 deers worth of jerky through it. He gave up after 3 48 hour rounds (160°F cabinet temp).

I've thought of smoking malts in there, but I really don't use smoked malt.

Sorry to detail the thread!!
Nice. I've slowed down on my Jerky making as beef is getting stupid expensive. I don't hunt (yet), Lots of deer, moose,bear and elk around here, just too lazy to get the license. Of course thats the easy part, cuz after you shoot it then the real work starts.
Nice. I've slowed down on my Jerky making as beef is getting stupid expensive. I don't hunt (yet), Lots of deer, moose,bear and elk around here, just too lazy to get the license. Of course thats the easy part, cuz after you shoot it then the real work starts.
Yep,I've,done a bit of slaughtering I used to work on kill floor at local pork slaughter house. Yea I could Imagine it would get messy especially if not much water on hand to clean things up!
Well my ph meter is already paying off nailed the ph on this brew:p
Brewers friend water calc had it at 5.45ph so I'm glad .



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Ok brews all done and yeast is pitched as of this morning. My final gravity is 1.052 expected grav of 1.049 using 75% efficiency :) I left it at 75 in case last two brews were just an exeption but I thin I can confidently raise brew house to 80% great milestone. As you'll see in hydrometer sample pulled this morning after shaking crap outta fermentor the colour contribution from that 500g roasted malt has given the beer a nice golden Amber colour to it. Worth all the effort me thinks. Inow to let it ferment out I stepped up two 2 liter starters so there should be plenty of yeast for the party. Cheers


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