Return to the Mash Tun...

Okay, brown sugar is just white sugar with molasses added for color.

Exactly, which is why I'm thinking I'd be better off to use an equivalent amount of molasses (for color and flavor) and add more malt to make up the difference in gravity. No point in using white sugar for gravity when I can get more malt body instead.

So, as brown sugar is about 6.5% molasses, I can replace the 5/8 lb of brown sugar out of my Pale Ale recipe and replace it with about 1.8 grams of molasses. Then I can add a pound of base malt to bring the gravity back up, or perhaps a combination of added base and crystal malts. Same flavor, more body, less sugar!
My suggestion would be don't even bother with 1.8 grams of molasses. I put three ounces, or about 90 g, in my Kentucky Common and all it adds is a bit of complexity, no molasses flavor at all. I'd consider keeping the sugar for its body-lightening effect and brown sugar is as good as any but I certainly wouldn't even try to measure 1.8 grams.
