Finally ready to pitch tonight. I restarted about 50 mL of old slurry in a 200mL starter as per my last post. Gave them a bit over 48 hours then crashed. Then pitched those a few days later into 1 litre starters. Again, gave them a bit over 48 hours and crashed them. I'll decant off the beer then add the slurry to the fermenters when they hit temp (ground water has started getting warm down here).
The slurry is from a mixed Brett / Saison beer I used to make every 3-4 months. I haven't been brewing much the last year so it seems like the Brett has been dying off. Supposedly Brett struggles when stored in cold conditions for longer than a month. That certainly matches how the beer has been tasting as it's becoming a more straight Saison for a while now. So I doubt there will be much Brett influence in this batch.
The more I look at my process, the less belief I have that I'm giving the low sugar approach any chance of succeeding. I haven't really been able to add much O2 to the starters at all. They've been upstairs in the kitchen and I've been downstairs in the office most of the time, so very few shaken events at all. Both starters did seem to give off a lot of gas when I did get to shake them, so something was definitely active. My wife thought the low sugar 200 mL starter was the star of the 4. The foil lid definitely looked like there was a lot of gas gas escaping. Though that might just have been the way it ended up when I tightened the lid.
The recipe for this is
There's a Tilt in each fermenter and I'll start posting screen grabs of the fermentation graph once there's some data worth showing.
Ben's so much more trustworthy than me. He puts up lots of pictures. I've just got the one...
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