Thanks all,
Slowly slowly getting my head around it
So I'm going to keep the close to 3 metre line for 1 picnic tap and will have to order more line for the 2nd one.
I took a sample using this line (beer line on disconnect and picnic tap at the other end) and it poured easily, even at just 5 psi
I think this line is probable similar to what Ben is using as the guys I bought from sell mainly kegland stuff. It's 8 mm outside/4 mm inside eva barrier line.
I tightened the spunding valve a little this morning (to about 10 psi) and there is definitely still active fermentation going on as it reached this in no time.
Brought it back to 5 psi
I was going to remove the spunding valve as I thought that a much higher pressure was required than what this one is rated for (15 psi)
But if not, then it's easy. I'll get the keg to just under 15 psi (I don't want to push it to the limit) and then move it to my fridge.
Is there any problem with having the spunding valve at low temperatures and possible condensation when opening the fridge?
And can I just move the keg in one time from my room temperature to the fridge (32 to 2 oC / 90 to 35 F) or does this have to be done slowly as to not shock the (still active) yeast too much?
I think one of the biggest things with kegging is getting to know all the new names and terms (ball lock post, spunding valve, disconnects etc etc)