Well it would of been great if it arrived full of beer!
Yeah I left it on and adjusted the first 2 days when it dropped to about 3-4 psi. Didn’t drop any yesterday or this morning. By this afternoon it will be 96 hours On 5-6 psi in my kitchen fridge that is set pretty coldDid you leave the gas turned on? As it gets absorbed into the liquid the pressure drops, so it needs to be replenished.
But, you are looking for a low carbonation anyway, so it might not be a problem. And waiting a little isn't going to hurt anyone.
You inspired me. This pour was spot onLooks spot on color wise!
Whatever pressure you plan to serve at, you can set it to that in the beginning and keep it there until it's ready.
Yeah I think I’m going to have to stay in the 10-12 range and ignore the style.Josh, I think you'll be happier at about 2.5 volumes (12 PSI at 40 F).
Despite the carbonation chart, I have found that I like my beers universally fizzier than what the chart says should be right. Since it can't be that the chart is wrong, it must be a personal preference.
I wish I could measure the carbonation of a commercial beer. That would give me data to work with.