hops wise:
60min-20mins is straight bittering
20-5 mins adds bitterness but also flavor
10-0 mins adds flavor and aroma with less bittering
5-wp(185F) adds aroma and flavor
DH(active ferm) adds flavor and aroma
DH(post ferm) adds mostly aroma
all of the additions overlap to some extent.
If you want more bitterness shift your schedule to earlier in the boil OR you could add weight to the earlier additions.
for a juicy IPA, I like to add all of my hops at 5-0 and WP with big dryhops during fermentation(for biotransformation).
For a APA i would add a small Bittering addition ~6-10 IBUs of something very strong like CTZ or magnum and then the rest to taste based on your goals for the beer.
This is a juicy ipa i brewed on thursday and im carbonating today
this is a west coast that im going to brew soon
This juicy is on draft now
This is a pale ale i brewed back in june last year