I brewed today!

1.175? How do you get a spoon in that??
MrBIP said:
I brewed today! At Stormcloud Brewery in Frankfort, MI with Brian Confer (head brewer/co-owner). Made Priddle's Porter (aka Polar Vortex) that won their contest last fall. 7 barrels of it! And they gave me the whole experience.. doughed in all 400+ pounds of grain, weight out hops by the pound, cleaned out the mash tun and boil kettle, etc. They were really great people to work with today. Really fun experience ... and I'm whipped now.
Priddle's Porter will be on tap April 1 thru end of June (if it lasts that long).
Very jealous !! That would have been a really cool experience !! We camped outside Frankfort last summer for 3-4 days (Betsie river camp). One night, it was raining by the time we got back from Traverse City so we went into town for dinner. Stumbled across Stormcloud; very good brewery with good food and even better beer (had to get a growler 4 camp)!!!
Interestingly enough, the specific gravity of 10W30 is 0.8717.
I'm NOT dipping my hydrometer in 10W30 to verify that....

A rough estimate: 1.175 would theoretically give you a 19% ABV beer, generally considered impossible due to alcohol killing your yeast. I hope you have a LOT of hops in there to balance the residual sugar....
I'm brewing right now, brewing another 30 day lite beer, first keg went too fast I need to save some
I have it figured out, I can only hold 20 gallons in my kegs and Im brewing 10 gallon batches so just brew one too soon and throw the rest into bottles and hide them lol
Why homeschool when you can homebrew??


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Just started the boil on the last of a split batch of gose. One is just the corainder and salt. One is that and orange zest. The third will be the base plus some basil.
First time using acidulated malt too.
Mash temps were a little higher than I'd like, but the abv isn't the point of this beer I think
I never brew for alcohol, I brew for consistent taste and mouth feel although the low alcohol beer is a advertising gimmick, you drink more of it than a higher alcohol beer so it may be less filling but you gain more weight :D
I've been brewing mostly to optimize the output of my setup.
(un?)fortunately, this generally means an ABV of 6+%...
If I max out my mash tun volume with more water and less malt (lower ABV) then I end up with more than 27l. in my fermenting bucket...(which is too much and leads to a great mess :? )
Brewed our first 20 gallon batch yesterday. Phew, 7+hours later I was beat. Time will shorten I'm sure as we get used to the new system and get some of the kinks out of it. Ended up with a 1.050 with a 1.052 recipe so close enough for a first shot. Definitely need to revise some plumbing but still went ok. Weed Feed and Mow Cream Ale Should help with the yard work that's piling up. :D
Both of my fermentation chambers freed up at the same time, so I have back to back brew days. Yesterday I did a Longboard clone. Today it's a Camden Hells clone. I don't know how close I'll get on either, but as long as it tastes good, I'll be happy!
Brewed an ESB type thingy yesterday..

Also, finally popped open that Eroica SMaSH beer, hands down the best beer we've ever brewed. Eroica hops are quite nice by themselves. 5.5%ABV 35IBU, really good fruity pale.
