I brewed today!

Inspiration for my brew day; mash is almost complete.
Looks good @Herm_brews !
You always do small batches?

It's pretty funny. I can brew a batch of beer and mash and boil about 9 gallons and when I leave, you'd never even know I was there. My wife makes a grill cheese sandwich and it looks like bomb cyclone #300 hit for a week. o_O
Yes thunderwagn, I always make small batches (for the 11 months that I’ve been brewing). Today’s batch was my 10th.

Like yours, my wife makes a mess in the kitchen whenever she cooks. We long ago agreed that I am in charge of keeping things tidy in our home.
Brewing this https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/919914/slightly-sober
Gunna be a no chill brew. Plan is to rack to cube let cool over night pitch kveik In morning along with first dry hop and let it buck all in the no chill cube. My ferm chamber and main fermentor is occupied atm so this one will be a HOT ferment outside no air lock just lid loose and let her RIP. After primary is done I'll move to cooler spot and dry hop remaining hops.
Man it is scorching hot today here in Aus but glad to be brewing!
Shes done in the cube
I'll turn this over in around 10mins to sanitize other side.

Was 1st brew without any boil hops. Pre boil was down a point or two will see was OG sample cools too.
Checking elements a bit of build up but no scorching
got a real good break this brew though ph musta been good.
Hey Ben, how hot is the wort when you transfer to the cube?
Hi boys and girl, I’ve been out for awhile. It’s cold here and I brew outdoors so I’ve not brewed for awhile. Since my 5 kegs are running low I have to put on the base layers an I brewed a Comet/Chinook pale ale two days ago. Second time for this one because it was a hit!
