Oh man oh man all I can say is let me be a lesson to anyone thinking going cheap on electric brewing! Ah it's not all bad news just 90%. So about 40 mins into boil I start smelling this burnt smell

yeah you know it the wort was scorching on the element I knew it straight away! Yes high density Wattage concentrated into less than 3 inches 2200watts of power! Who was I fooling myself first and anyone else thinking of this as a viable option for boiling sugary wort

... let me be a lesson to anyone else thinking of skimping on brewing elements instead of getting something designed for the purpose of boiling sugar water YOU WILL SCORCH THE WORT ON THE ELEMENT!!! I'll admit it was late into the boil but not good enough I'm not sure weather to pitch this yeast into what I taste as Smokey Wort no hops just dominated by burnt

You know what the weird thing is well i calculated 87% brew house efficiency

yep I had an extra litre of wort from less boil off with extra 4 points gravity

so there's a positive for recirculation I suppose.
Oh and lesson #2 yes ha ha I've had a royal arse of a learning curve abd vree sessiin is them little brown pumps well they are little brown pumps and can't handle 100 celcius recirculation for too long. I recirculated at boiling with IC chiller at 15 to go to sanitize so I could circulate wort over the coils for cooling yes it did this but when I fired it up for cleaning it concked out

So fellow brewers hopefully you won't be as unlucky as me but don't use cheap elements and pumps

as other more expirienced brewers on here have said get good quality gear once so you don't end up like me having to fork out the $ anyhow on the right stuff second time round.
As a positive I always see my failures as a means to learn and a triumph in a way, you get knock backs and knock downs in life it's how you get.back up that.matters ( how many HBs have I had) how better to learn than from the school of hard knocks.
Below is a acid cleaned version of the element at fault.
How are people brewing with these things and getting away with it

lower wattage I suppose. Anyhow I'll wait till I get that kegland element in now!