I brewed today!

There are still power outages @Nosybear .

I ran natural gas out of the house and into the back yard for one of my grilsl several years ago, butt haven't gotten around to converting any of my propane burners yet. My favorite project of perfecting the art of procrastination seems to have gotten in the way.

Maybe some day @Mark D Pirate. And, amen to having a spare propane tank. Has saved my bacon more than once.
And darkness - my house is equipped with solar panels, lowering the probability of an outage....
I brewed a fast extract Oktoberfest, rain storm was coming again and just got it done as it started sprinkling, could only chill to 77F and I need 62F so it's a tomorrow yeast pitch beer
Just kegged my first Oktoberfest attempt, the finished high FG but tasted decent. I'm thinking I'll do a nice heavy Citra IPA to mourn the end of summer tomorrow as I have 8oz of whole leaf Citra hops to do something with that are getting a bit older.
Just about done the boil on a schwarzbier.
Interesting that the amount of calcium chloride I added on this brew when I looked at the water a bit closer was roughly the same amount I added on a whim the last time for a brown ale.
brewed the 2nd time today with my new larger pot (biab) and really amazed with the results compared to my first attempt which I am slurping as I write this.
75% conversion with this very simple set up and cheap! , very happy


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Nice, it doesn't have to be complicated.
Brewed an IPA today. Adding roasted jalapeños and mango purée in about a week.

Always do something stupid. Had my strike water too hot and had 156df @ mash-in. Took about 4 minutes of stirring to get it to 151df. Probably why my OG was 1055 instead of 1060. Time to get a HERMS coil.
Brewed an IPA today. Adding roasted jalapeños and mango purée in about a week.

Always do something stupid. Had my strike water too hot and had 156df @ mash-in. Took about 4 minutes of stirring to get it to 151df. Probably why my OG was 1055 instead of 1060. Time to get a HERMS coil.

Doubt you'll be able to tell the difference. Sounds like a great combination. What are you hopping with?
Well hefe-weissbier was brewed as planned.. first brewday with actual water adjustments and was actually pretty easy using the water calc. Hit my numbers dead on for once 6.5 gallons of 1.052 chilled to 57 F and ready for O2 and yeasties
Thanks to all that chimed in on my recipe thread !!!

Just chilling down 2 ten gal batches, 1 malty Amber fall warmer and 1
Amber IPA. Same wort different hops.
Warrior bittering for both.
Cluster for Amber, pile of Homegrown Centennial for IPA aroma hops.

Where in the hop schedule do you guys prefer cluster additions?

You like them in an IPA?

I have one pound on hand.
I use only Cluster in my Pre-Prohibition Lagers. On occasion I'll use them to compliment bittering as Sierra Nevada uses Perle in their Pale Ale.
I use only Cluster in my Pre-Prohibition Lagers. On occasion I'll use them to compliment bittering as Sierra Nevada uses Perle in their Pale Ale.

What those guys said. It's been around awhile, and doesn't blow out the malt flavor. IPA? Sure why not. Would work for bittering. Could be a finish hop with other hops. Depends if you want a simple bitter or a new C hop blast. I enjoy NWest hop citrus but for a variety thought the cluster would fit with 10% crystal malt. I like the wort flavor, used T-58 for a little spicy twist. Have high hopes for a tasty beer.
