I brewed today!

Just another day in Brewadise!


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yesterday I cleaned and brewed my Brown again, it was such a hit at the holidays its one to repeat, 6 hour brew day with cleaning but didn't get a good chill so I sat it in the fermenter at 50F over night and its done already, looking good too
Nice I only have a Bayou SP10. Which does the job but I wish it was easier to convert to natural gas. I'd like to run gas lines from my garage furnace so I can stop refilling propane.
Blichmann Hellfire. 140,000 BTU’s. I’ve never had it turned up more than 50% though.
I have its predecessor. And you're right, turned all the way up it melted the rubber of the valve handle of my kettle. I'm moving away from it though. It's pretty stable in the wind but I'm moving inside and to induction heating.
Nice I only have a Bayou SP10. Which does the job but I wish it was easier to convert to natural gas. I'd like to run gas lines from my garage furnace so I can stop refilling propane.
Would love to do the same, but we don't have a natural gas utility available as we live too far out for that. But I do have a 100 gallon LPG tank that i just had installed a couple years ago for our vented gas logs in the living room, but the tank is on the opposite side of the house and the house is 100' from my garage where I brew or I would tap into it and save a good bit on the cost per gallon. For now, I just blow through Blue Rhino tanks every 3-4 brewdays.

I have its predecessor. And you're right, turned all the way up it melted the rubber of the valve handle of my kettle. I'm moving away from it though. It's pretty stable in the wind but I'm moving inside and to induction heating.
Yep... she can put out some heat. You wiring for a 220 induction burner?
Ive got a simple camping style 3 ring burner gets a vigorous boil going on the keg but gee Mase if i was getting 4 brews / 9kg gas bottle man that burner of yours sure is hungry:). I recon from mine i use for my bbq, getting my wok on plus brewing id get 5 or more. Ive also got 2 large 45kg bottles around thw other side of the house. Ive hinted to the Missus of taping into this gas line much to her frowning dissaproval i even used the itll save us money line:p!
Would love to do the same, but we don't have a natural gas utility available as we live too far out for that. But I do have a 100 gallon LPG tank that i just had installed a couple years ago for our vented gas logs in the living room, but the tank is on the opposite side of the house and the house is 100' from my garage where I brew or I would tap into it and save a good bit on the cost per gallon. For now, I just blow through Blue Rhino tanks every 3-4 brewdays.

Yep... she can put out some heat. You wiring for a 220 induction burner?

Yeah I get around 3-4 brews out of the average 20 pounder. There's a filler store nearby so it's not the end of the world, just annoying.
Yeah I get around 3-4 brews out of the average 20 pounder. There's a filler store nearby so it's not the end of the world, just annoying.
After a brew day, I leave the empty tank in front of my work bench so I know I won’t forget it and go get it filled up long before the next brewday.
Brewing right now, it was 19 wind chill this morning but it now feels like 70, the wind shifted from the south, thank you Texas, had a small mishap, some sort of vapor lock that I couldn't find and now an hour late starting my mash and temp dropped down to 125F so doing a rise like a step mash I guess lol
Brewed my bohemian Pilsner well didn't use floor malted boh pils this time. Total mash time was 5 hours! 45 mins at 62c then raised to 68c and it was sitting at 60c four or so hours later. It was a scortcher here on the coast today so I bet this helped maintain mash temp:D. The wort tasted really grainy . I got good efficiency 82% so I'd hope after 5 hours that's brew house in fermentor. Thunderstorms are rolling maybe I should rename it thunder Pilsner:).
Brewed a West Coast Red Ale. Hit all the numbers, but overshot my efficiency. Was targeting 72-73%, got 82% and an extra gallon for the fermenter. :D


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brewed my malt lust lager i double decocted it i got 81% efficiency down on volume i had calculator set on ending kettle insted of fermentor volume lol. she clocked in at 1.062 with hydrometer correction. but the colour is great nice deep coppery colour plenty of flavour too some burnt caramel type thing going on. well my yeast have their work cut out for them now at 8 points above expected SG:).

It's warmed up to 20 F and supposed to be above freezing by 10:00 this AM. If I mill my grain and mash indoors I won't be outside for the boil until then and can be done before the wind is supposed to get strong at about 2:00PM. Gonna give my Cherry Wood Smoked Stout a shot today.
brewed my malt lust lager i double decocted it i got 81% efficiency down on volume i had calculator set on ending kettle insted of fermentor volume lol. she clocked in at 1.062 with hydrometer correction. but the colour is great nice deep coppery colour plenty of flavour too some burnt caramel type thing going on. well my yeast have their work cut out for them now at 8 points above expected SG:).

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I've had to dilute wort at 10 mins left in boil before or added boiled then chilled water to FV .
So aiming for a doppelbock or similar here ?
Aiming for back to back brews today so strike water is heating now for my winter stout and will get just another rye apa done afterwards
I've had to dilute wort at 10 mins left in boil before or added boiled then chilled water to FV .
So aiming for a doppelbock or similar here ?
Aiming for back to back brews today so strike water is heating now for my winter stout and will get just another rye apa done afterwards
Well it's probably fallen into that category from the higher OG but it's a Czech Amber Lager or that's what I designed it as. Good luck on the stout mate. Two things i did on yesterday's brew and got away with was 1. Dropped me digital thermometer in the mash for a minute or so till I could find it . 2 forgot to remove my senior air lock and condense from fermentor that I had sanitising in there before racking that wort onto it. o_O:p. The thermometer is still working ! It was still on after I scooped it out the mash incredible eh I continued to use it for the rest of the brew day.
got lucky then , i have a lanyard on my thermometer for this exact reason
pushing my friendship with my tun on this batch stuffing 7.35 kgs( 16.2 lbs) of malt in but have reduced my exp efficiency to allow for it but won't be surprised if i overshoot my target gravity a little
Brewing that Irish Red. A little darker than planned but not far off and overshot with efficiency by probably 6 points. Oh what the hell it's Irish, they always over indulge. Will be close to 5%ABV or more.
Trying a yeast I picked up from LHBS for IPA's. A Wyeast Private Collection West Coast IPA 1217. It made a great Homegrown hopped IPA and is suppose to be good in reds too so we will see. Really liked its performance so far. 1.062 IPA finished in 4 days without a starter and after a dryhop and 2 weeks in fermenter was cleaned up very well.
20180224_185339_resized ipa.jpg This is 3 weeks from yeast pitch.
Yes a little gelatin help too.:rolleyes:
