How many batches have you tossed?

My advise. Have many things in various states of fermenting and being ready to drink that way you don't obsess on the one thing you are working on. You eventually find out that sometimes just leaving things alone for awhile is the answer.

But to answer your question directly: 1. It was a Barleywine and i have no idea what I did wrong.
My advise. Have many things in various states of fermenting and being ready to drink that way you don't obsess on the one thing you are working on. You eventually find out that sometimes just leaving things alone for awhile is the answer.

But to answer your question directly: 1. It was a Barleywine and i have no idea what I did wrong.
That is exactly what I am trying to do. Buy a recipe and brew every two weeks. I do have a bad habit of obsessing. I did though buy another big mouth bubbler so now I have 2 BMB and 1 bucket so I can ferment at least 2 at a time.
About to toss another but it was made to be tossed. I wanted too know what extract twang tasted like so I brewed a Helles with old extract. It was a test, it was successful so now it's time to free up the carboy.
extract twang is from chlorine or calcimine, or lactic acide
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About to toss another but it was made to be tossed. I wanted too know what extract twang tasted like so I brewed a Helles with old extract. It was a test, it was successful so now it's time to free up the carboy.
Ah well that teaches you not to be lazy trying to get out of mashing!:p
extract twang is from chlorine or calcimine, or lactic acide
So.... Old, oxidized malt extract has nothing to do with it? :) I used distilled water so none of the stuff you listed should have been in there. And I checked our water report last night - highest residual chlorine/chloramine was around 2 ppm so even if I'd used tap water, chlorine/chloramine shouldn't have been a factor - explains my success at avoiding chlorophenols using the RV filter. Chlorine Dioxide was even lower at 10 ppb. As for lactic acid, it was an extract batch so any acid was put in by the manufacturer. I've done extract helles before and not had these results - this was specifically to test for the effect of bad extract.

As to being lazy to get out of mashing - that extract helles I mentioned above was a silver award winner in its class at the Colorado State Fair. So (leans back, hands behind head, stretching) I'll take that kind of lazy....
Ok i get your point:rolleyes:... oh i better get back and stir that mash!:D
Here be my old bottle collection 2-3 year old. Left bottles that were to volitile for the light of day, who couldnt be trusted at a family gathering or a lazy beach side picnic. Best left locked up in the dark confines in my old unworking out back shed fridge. Today was opening day! I let these wild brews flow freely some exploding forth in anticipation of being freed from them glassy beer bottle confines foaming up outta the bucket onto the shed floor. Next life will be plant nutrient wash for my vegie garden.:)

Oh and them carlton dry bottles are going too! Got given a carton of this last christmass cant bring myself to drink that stuff:confused:.

Good bye beer...


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I was pretty surprised how many gushers were entered for state brewing comp , couldn't inform the judges either but did make me smile serving them infected beer and watching the grimace when they taste it heheheho_O
