Enjoy that homebrew, Gunny, and do relax. Yeast have been serving humans for nearly 10,000 years - they know what they're doing. If you combine sugar, yeast, a few micronutrients and a bit of oxygen up front you will get beer. Airlocks are notoriously bad indicators of fermentation progress, mostly due to leaks in our fermentation vessels.
I have one of the Big Mouth Bubblers - mostly wife uses it for fermenting wine - and like it. It's seven gallons, enough headspace for most fermentations, it's clear so you can see what's going on, it fits in my fermentation chamber (a refrigerator with a temperature control on it) and, using my fancy stopper with the thermowell, I can monitor the temperature of the interior of the beer. A recommendation when you get one: Either get one that has a spigot or get a spigot, port the fermentor and put one in. Makes racking, draining, bottling, whatever you intend to do with the fermentor, much easier.