Last year I pruned all leaves off up 3 ft with the help of the white tail deer

. This year I didn't thin out the first starts so they are kind of a mess. They are up 7 ft then trained across a 10 ft patio for shade and somewhere up on the roof. A soap spray will help with the mites or aphids. Put it on when its cool outside so it won't evaporate before it does some good. There are lots of on line recipes and most all of them work. I use 2 tablespoons of soap ,1 of cooking oil and a quart of water. The defoliating is more for blight or powdery mildew so it won't splash up off the soil where it comes from. By the way when mites or aphids affect a plant it means it is stressed, ie to much or not enough water, poor soil for drainage or lack of or not proper nutrients. Did you dig down a foot or so and mix in good compost?
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This was last year, this year they are out of control from lack of pruning early. Lesson learned. Presently painting house so will get a recent pic when I get a chance and there's not ladders and plastic all over.
They do look like they are just starting to form buds.