How are all your hops doing that you're growing?

I recon if you were to make bread out of it youd need to wash the husks off? Maybe submerge grain in water mix it and the husks should dloat to the top decant that then bake on.
Nope. The husks are bran. Fiber.
i had to giggle at this , to an aussie birds and moles are both terms for various types of females ....moles being the very unpleasant type and would destroy my house , yard and my life quickly !
Birds means mostly the same thing here. Instead of moles, we call the others shrews.
I live with resident animals here 4 or 5 kinds of birds here daily in my yard, cardinals, blue jays, robins, woodpeckers , sparrows then a resident rabbit and countless gray squirrels, they love the walnut tree jump from the trees to the power line, its a jungle here
On another nature note for hops I hope the bines get tall enough soon as the whitetail deer will eat them. If they get tall enough before they find them it helps me defoliate them near the ground to help with pests and disease.
On another nature note for hops I hope the bines get tall enough soon as the whitetail deer will eat them. If they get tall enough before they find them it helps me defoliate them near the ground to help with pests and disease.
Sorry head first this is a hop plant thread not pesky mole rat thread regardless of gender or kind metric or imperial:p.

I've seen a few hop plantations in my travels down Tasmania a lovely sight to look down upon form a hill all growing staight up them wires.
Yup general Chit-chat;)is what it is.
I was hoping to hear from more hop growers out there but I guess they are busy training their bines.:rolleyes:
@Head First I planted 3 horizon and 3 chinook plants last fall.
Unfortunately only 1 of each survived the winter. They are both around 12" tall right now. Might order replacement plants or wait and take cuttings from the ones that I still have to fill in the 4 empty hop boxes. Going to need to get my pole up really soon and string the lines
@Head First I planted 3 horizon and 3 chinook plants last fall.
Unfortunately only 1 of each survived the winter. They are both around 12" tall right now. Might order replacement plants or wait and take cuttings from the ones that I still have to fill in the 4 empty hop boxes. Going to need to get my pole up really soon and string the lines
That's a bummer to lose them. Your winters can't be that bad. Use pieces of roots to start new plants. Make sure they have plenty of deep tilled soil and good drainage. Kind of like yeast ya have to try to kill them but under the proper conditions they will thrive and produce well.
That's a bummer to lose them. Your winters can't be that bad.
Iowa winters are funny like that. We've had times it getting down past -20F (-29C) and others where it barely reaches 0F (-18C) . Our winter this year actually wasn't terrible, pretty mild actually, we did have 1 killing frost early on that I hadn't planned on and I think that is what got the 4 fallen soldiers
@Head First do you strip the leaves from the bottom couple feet of your bines?
Been battling spider mites here. How tall are yours getting? Steady feeding mine but still feel they are lagging behind
Last year I pruned all leaves off up 3 ft with the help of the white tail deer:eek::mad:. This year I didn't thin out the first starts so they are kind of a mess. They are up 7 ft then trained across a 10 ft patio for shade and somewhere up on the roof. A soap spray will help with the mites or aphids. Put it on when its cool outside so it won't evaporate before it does some good. There are lots of on line recipes and most all of them work. I use 2 tablespoons of soap ,1 of cooking oil and a quart of water. The defoliating is more for blight or powdery mildew so it won't splash up off the soil where it comes from. By the way when mites or aphids affect a plant it means it is stressed, ie to much or not enough water, poor soil for drainage or lack of or not proper nutrients. Did you dig down a foot or so and mix in good compost?
2016 hops.jpg

This was last year, this year they are out of control from lack of pruning early. Lesson learned. Presently painting house so will get a recent pic when I get a chance and there's not ladders and plastic all over.
They do look like they are just starting to form buds.:)
Very nice head first im deffinetly envious o hear the older they get the more productive they get.
I'm a hop grower and a hop plant propagator. I can't believe we're already on the other side of July 4th. Still waiting for the japanese beetles to show up, they're running late. Plenty of leafhoppers around this year though, hate those bugs because they're fast.
all Ive had so far are leaf mites, this year has been good to us bug wise
Last year I pruned all leaves off up 3 ft with the help of the white tail deer:eek::mad:. This year I didn't thin out the first starts so they are kind of a mess. They are up 7 ft then trained across a 10 ft patio for shade and somewhere up on the roof. A soap spray will help with the mites or aphids. Put it on when its cool outside so it won't evaporate before it does some good. There are lots of on line recipes and most all of them work. I use 2 tablespoons of soap ,1 of cooking oil and a quart of water. The defoliating is more for blight or powdery mildew so it won't splash up off the soil where it comes from. By the way when mites or aphids affect a plant it means it is stressed, ie to much or not enough water, poor soil for drainage or lack of or not proper nutrients. Did you dig down a foot or so and mix in good compost?
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This was last year, this year they are out of control from lack of pruning early. Lesson learned. Presently painting house so will get a recent pic when I get a chance and there's not ladders and plastic all over.
They do look like they are just starting to form buds.:)

Did dig down 1.5 ft or so and did a 50/50 blend of peat moss and compost. Monthly applications of slow release fertilizer and
5-0-0 with every watering this last 4 weeks definitely been a learning process
I'm a hop grower and a hop plant propagator. I can't believe we're already on the other side of July 4th. Still waiting for the japanese beetles to show up, they're running late. Plenty of leafhoppers around this year though, hate those bugs because they're fast.
No jap beetles here and knock on wood no aphids yet. I do see some holes in a few leaves but haven't found the culprit yet. My guess is flea beetles. How many varieties do you grow Starter Hops?
