Home made pizza

I bake it as high as the oven will go on parchment paper on the pizza stone, heat-soaked for at least 30 mins before I put the pizza on it. Complex procedure but worth it - the crust turns out nice and crispy. This time it really was almost focaccia, very nice! The grandkids were quite happy with it.
Send it to me again, remember?!?! :p
Looks like the attachment worked. Still interested in how to get that inline picture stuff to work.... Maybe I should use my tablet's camera instead of the phone.
My phone takes a higher resolution picture than this forum will allow. I always take the picture with my iPhone and email it to myself. A dialogue pops up asking me if I want to resize it. I pick the largest size under 1 meg. I save that picture and use it.
my phone takes huge resolution pictures like 2500 so I take it with my phone, attach my phone to the pc then use paint to resize it save then upload
I take the photo from afar then just crop it till its under 1mb can be tricky sometimes.

There's last nights pizza. I had to bake it on the slide tray because it stuck it's a real art making it the right consistency so it will slide off this onto the stone.


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Parchment paper. Slides right off the peel and never sticks.
Got dough rising now. I could have done sourdough, that was my original plan but forgot to get the starter out and energized this morning. Garlic sausage and vidalia onion, maybe nothing else. I got a couple onions this morning, they are so good they don't need much help.

Good looking bacon. I have one side left I have to thaw and dry rub. Been a bit busy doing farm work. Nothing like home bacon. I'll use maple syrup and pecan smoke, maybe mesquite too. Really kicks butt with that combo.
Pizza night. I'll be having multigrain sourdough. Not sure what else yet.
I have a new pizza process, call it on the fly so when the family comes home and says lets have pizza and you haven't even made dough, no problem just make your dough like usual then add it straight to the pan without raising, add it to the oven cold then turn on the oven to preheat to your desired temp, once the oven beeps it’s at that temp take the pan out and add your ingredients, it will have risen some on the pan, when done cook as usual, quick and easy thin crust ;)
just started this as a test, everyone says my crust is too filling so I started cutting down on the four, as an extreme test I used 1 cup of flour in a 14" pizza and it worked, thin and crispy too, I did ferment it for 2 hours, it more than doubled in size so my 1 cup of flour recipe

1 cup of flour
1/2 tsp yeast
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp dough conditioner
1/2 tsp sugar
1/4 cup of water

thin and crispy no edge crust
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And for the toppings?
oh, for that test it was just a pepperoni, cheddar on the bottom and top lightly, delicious, but here’s the catch it was so thin I ate the who pizza by my self
Sounds good 'Zark. That must be pretty thin, like those St. Lou types. Nothing wrong with that, I like all types of crust. I don't know as I've ever met a pizza I didn't like, some are just better than others.
oh forgot to mention you have to roll it out, and keep rolling, too little there to stretch
Pizza day, had to make a thin and crispy today, cooked it 5 minutes too long but it was still real good

Haven't done "Granddaddy's Favorite" in a while, thanks for the reminder!
Gotta post this one. Homebrew crust recipe. Homemade sausage, homemade sauce. Homebrew in the background.


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