Mashing in now 61c
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View attachment 13968 Thanks for the inspiration Mrskittle I'm brewing Crunks Helles today
Mashing in now 61c
Underattenuation (sweet), diacetyl.... Stressed yeast. Either not enough yeast, not enough oxygen or one repitch too many. I wouldn't point toward infection because of the sweetness, roast malt is definitely not sweet, or the boil because that won't cause diacetyl.
It would have reduced the population and that can lead to diacetyl....While making a starter for Saturday's Smithwick's clone brewday, I remembered something that likely explains the diacetyl flavor in the previous brew that was discussed earlier in this thread. That rememberence was that the yeast nutrient pack inside the Wyeast 1084 smack-pack was frozen! It was firm, about half-way between slush and an ice cube. If that froze, the yeast likely froze as well. And that may have led to stressed yeast.