First crack at this

:mad:Well tomorrow is the day :) finally going to bottle my very first batch, looks good smells good even tasted like beer kind of a proud moment for me !!!

On a side note peeling labels off bottles definitely a labor of love . Yup can't see doing that to many more times lol .. :mad:
That's cool, man! As it happens, I'm gonna bottle my first batch (of the new era) tomorrow, too! And I just brewed last Thursday (?)

Oh, well.. a bit fast due to the hot weather, but I assure you I will enjoy the fruits of my labor. Good luck to you, and here's to reporting on our tasty homebrews :D
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Sam Adam's labels are pretty easy to take off, just some soap and hot water
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Don't know why you guys bother with primary's and secondarys .... both my drums are primarys ! they each get first week in the fridge and STC , second week in my dodgy close enough to temp chamber to clean up some more while the fresh brew gets the fridge .
i only cold crash if it's a Lager / Pils or kolsch and still get great clarity and generally very clean tasting beers
I never bothered with putting effort into peeling labels off bottles. If it happened, it happened. My beer goes on the inside of the bottle, not the outside.

As far as primaries and secondaries, it's my method. It's what I'm used to. It's how I like to do it. I also get great clarity and generally very clean tasting beers.
hard to argue against that , i started out racking off the cake because Palmer said so in his book
may have got lazy and stopped but beers kept getting better
I never bothered with putting effort into peeling labels off bottles. If it happened, it happened. My beer goes on the inside of the bottle, not the outside.

As far as primaries and secondaries, it's my method. It's what I'm used to. It's how I like to do it. I also get great clarity and generally very clean tasting beers.
Lol Jeff good point!
Sam Adam's labels are pretty easy to take off, just some soap and hot water
Ha ha funny I said to my wife last night the same thing.. told her when I stock up on bottles im gonna just drink Sam Adams the labels fell right off o_O
get some campden tablets, crumble one up at 10 minutes from the end of your boil, works like a charm
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I might be just a little pedantic but all of my bottles are de labeled and spotless , I think that the little extra effort is worth it .
Grolsch labels come off with warm water and sodium perc .
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Cracked one open tonight after 3 days it gave me a little head ;) I would call my first one a success!! Thanks everyone for your help. !!!Picking up up supplies later this week going BIAB working on my first recipe hope to post it so you can help me tweak it Cheers!!! Aw hell I think I'll have another :rolleyes:
