First crack at this

What about demijohns they would make nice little test batch formentors and you can double them as yeast starter jars?
Good evening,morning,afternoon,whatevertime it is where you are , or depending on what side of the globe today tomorrow or yesterday,or toilet flushes clockwise or counterclockwise, .. Ok that being said.
Been quietly watching my brew, day 8 and still bubbling, but has slowed down quite a bit looks like she wants to go the full 2 weeks lol , suspense is killing me
Nice slow fermentation There GPA was that's ale yeast aye?
Nice slow fermentation There GPA was that's ale yeast aye?
Wyeast American wheat beer yeast it sounded good for what I wanted temperature range was 58-74 degrees ,I have been blessed with a cool spell so fermentation has been steady at 67 degrees. Smells freaky good right now!!
Yup. Best thing you can do for your beer for the next several days is nothing.
Yup. Best thing you can do for your beer for the next several days is nothing.
Yup fortunately my work and baby watching schedule is not going to allow me to touch it for a few days, my replacement hydrometer should be here tomorrow, probably Sunday I'll get an FG on it and maybe a tiny taste , check it in another day or so.
So when do you think you'll realize it takes longer to brew a batch than to drink a batch? When are you starting your next batch? I like to have 3 ales and 2 lagers going at any any given time. I only have 2 and 2 right now, with 1 keg conditioning (ideally 2) and 6 kegs on tap.
and baby watching schedule

well all I can say is I have several children and grand children I know the drill, I actually stopped drinking for six years to raise kids, good luck
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So when do you think you'll realize it takes longer to brew a batch than to drink a batch? When are you starting your next batch? I like to have 3 ales and 2 lagers going at any any given time. I only have 2 and 2 right now, with 1 keg conditioning (ideally 2) and 6 kegs on tap.
Funny you should ask i was thinking of that same thing yesterday lol I only have 1 primary right now so as soon as I empty it , I plan on filling it right away, then I figure I have about 2 weeks to figure out what to put it in :p and kind of rinse and repeat until I gather enough supplies. Just got some nice 2 gallon bucket from the bakery where my wife works, fitting with air locks soon. Winter will be the big push my basement stays steady 60-65 ... So to answer the other question is yes Greg is hooked o_O
6.5 gallon buckets are cheap, I have at least 10 for various things, if you have a basement in the north well your headed in the right direction
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I'd recommend at least 2 carboys/buckets, and maybe 3 smaller 2 gallons buckets. That givesaid you a nice bit of flexibility

And make sure at least one carboy / bucket is at least 6.5 gallons, the smaller 5 gallon one will need a blowout tube from time to time
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I hate to admit it but I have 1-30 gallon carboy, 4-13 gallon, 4 good usable 6.5 gallon, 6 for all kinds of cleaning and hauling and milling and 4-5 gallon buckets for drips runs and trash :rolleyes:
I'm guessing the 30 gallon carboy is nailed to the ground? No way you're moving that without a forklift!!
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lol it was for a project that didn't develop " I have many" I briefly used it for filtered water storage but now it just sits and waits for an new plan lol
