Enter Grains by Percent


Well-Known Member
Trial Member
Sep 5, 2015
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It would be nice to enter grains by percent vs weight. I know a lot of times I'm playing with weights to match percentages when it would be great to just enter the percent wanted and get a weight. Having the option to enter by weight or percent would be most excellent!
It's interesting with the sliders.... I'm working on an Excel application where you can enter the desired OG, then the percentages of each grain and have the application tell you by weight how much you need. Oh, I scraped your malt data for this rather than finding a table somewhere and retyping it....
I’d really love the ability to enter a desired og and my grain percentages and have brewersfriend do the grunt work of calculating the weights.
We are working on that right now- and it's nearly done and ready to launch. I'll keep you posted when it goes live!

Could you also make the OG editable and have the percentages determine the grain weights?

The new feature works, but only if you enter something in the grain weight boxes. What if I'm given a grain bill based on percentages only? With my default batch size coming from my profile (6 gallons), it should be able to determine the proper grain weights.
Could you also make the OG editable and have the percentages determine the grain weights?

The new feature works, but only if you enter something in the grain weight boxes. What if I'm given a grain bill based on percentages only? With my default batch size coming from my profile (6 gallons), it should be able to determine the proper grain weights.

I'm testing those features today, as a matter of fact! I'll keep you all posted when it's ready for release.
From milling around online and on forums 70% of the the recipies are stated in percentages i find.
From milling around online and on forums 70% of the the recipies are stated in percentages i find.
As a guy who works with statistics quite frequently, I find this vaguely amusing....
As a guy who works with statistics quite frequently, I find this vaguely amusing....
Well yes it could be 100% but you know what I mean when you ask someone about their recipie more often than not they quote it to you in percentages over weights. So that's me 70% ish ness:)
the way it works now you can adjust it with the up and down arrows to be very acurate
the way it works now you can adjust it with the up and down arrows to be very acurate

Hate to say it, but I think the sliders are garbage. I'd much rather have a simple box to enter the exact percent I want instead of fiddling up and down with those damn sliders. I find them frustrating as hell.
Agreed. I'm not happy with the sliders - they take up a lot of room and I'd rather just enter percentages, a target OG and have the software tell me how much of each I need. Been fiddling with an excel sheet to do that as well....
the way it works now you can adjust it with the up and down arrows to be very acurate
I don't understand what you mean there Ozarks. I can't get the sliders to move unless I click and hold while moving. I understand this is still in the works but those sliders are a useless pita at present. To do percentages you need to enter the percentage of each grain, and hit it with an OG, a volume, and expected system efficiency.
put in your standard amounts, move the main grain slider to a position that's close go back to your input of the amount of grain and hit the up and down arrows to adjust the percent of each, you cant go above 100%, so you have to be clever
put in your standard amounts, move the main grain slider to a position that's close go back to your input of the amount of grain and hit the up and down arrows to adjust the percent of each, you cant go above 100%, so you have to be clever

The only way I can get the numbers to change is manually click and drag the slider or manually change the grain amount. When using multiple grains this is not feasible as it changes all the amounts and percentages and screws up the whole recipe if you move 1 slider. Kind of a null point for me anyway I buy grain in bulk and try to configure my recipes in even amounts such as 2.5# vs 2.43#. I do like to know the percentages as I build the recipe for additions other than base grains but that is already there.
I skin a deer with the hind legs up. Some people do it with the head up. Never seen it from the middle out as with these sliders. I DO have every bit of confidence that this will eventually be configured to work properly. This software is very well managed.
put in your standard amounts, move the main grain slider to a position that's close go back to your input of the amount of grain and hit the up and down arrows to adjust the percent of each, you cant go above 100%, so you have to be clever

Way more trouble than it needs to be. The sliders are just not a good approach to what it seems most of us want.
Novel idea, but works like crap...especially when you try to put something together while putting down a couple of homebrews! Not alcohol abuse friendly!:p
Yes i agree sliders are clunky im on the manuel % imput if there could be such a design where you select grain then input % a lot of maths im sure.
