Community Zoom Happy Hour 2024

I just wrapped up my day and now just chilling with the grandkids
Hope you all had a nice time and to who it applies, happy Independence Day
Funny! I was teasing Zambi for wearing sweaters and a beanie because it was 20C (68F) out. Sitting out with a coffee this morning and it is 17C (63F), I did go and get a sweater on, no beanie though ;)
And just like that another Brewers Friend Zoom Happy Hour is just a couple of days away!
I'm not sure if I will make it.
I won't be at home and the country is experiencing daily powercuts at fluctuating times...
Dunno what the schedule is at the place I'll be at.
I'm on solar so it bypasses me most of the time...
We have some company coming, so I may just pop in to say Hi at some point
I'm currently in an airport heading to the west coast, so I don't think I'll make it
So far, it's looking good
Internet is there for now.
Went to a small birthday party this afternoon. Came back. Realised I left my phone. Drove back, but now it's dark and I got hopelessly lost.
Got un-lost, found my way.
No phone.
It was in my car after all, just fallen down.
Now I need more wine to recover and peanuts as I missed out on dinner
I’m not sure I’ll be able to do more than pop on. @Donoroto will text me if i screwed up a setting. Still at Disney burning my ass off. Was supposed to be by a pool with a beer by 5….
If you've never joined us, give it a try. We talk about beer, like any brewing club meeting. It would be great to see some new faces tonight.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to do more than pop on. @Donoroto will text me if i screwed up a setting. Still at Disney burning my ass off. Was supposed to be by a pool with a beer by 5….

And you didn’t call me?????? I would have come over to say hi..
We spend most of the day cruising on a friends boat, into a spring and it was nice though.
I'm in the meeting now, is anyone having any trouble getting in?
I was too early, but got to see Alan for a few minutes anyway. I always say "next time!" but it never seems to work out with my schedule these days.
Been meaning to hop on one of these the last couple months since I popped on here but always slips my mind to check when y'all are having it. When are you planning on having the next one?
Last Saterday of the month, so should be 31st.
But @Josh Hughes is the boss :)
I have it in my calendar for Saturday August 31st, which is just a week from this coming Saturday!
