Community Zoom Happy Hour 2024

Josh Hughes

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Apr 7, 2020
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Josh Hughes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Happy Hour 2024
Time: Jan 27, 2024 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Last Sat, until Dec 28, 2024, 12 occurrence(s)
Jan 27, 2024 05:00 PM
Feb 24, 2024 05:00 PM
Mar 30, 2024 05:00 PM
Apr 27, 2024 05:00 PM
May 25, 2024 05:00 PM
Jun 29, 2024 05:00 PM
Jul 27, 2024 05:00 PM
Aug 31, 2024 05:00 PM
Sep 28, 2024 05:00 PM
Oct 26, 2024 05:00 PM
Nov 30, 2024 05:00 PM
Dec 28, 2024 05:00 PM
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Looking forward to it as always hope to see some regulars and some new faces.

@Ozarks Mountain Brewery its been many drinks since we've been graced by your presence!

@Yooper it would be great to see your pretty face :p !

@The Brew Mentor you must be snowed in man haven't herd Boo from you lately man you all good?
Looking forward to it as always hope to see some regulars and some new faces.

@Ozarks Mountain Brewery its been many drinks since we've been graced by your presence!

@Yooper it would be great to see your pretty face :p !

@The Brew Mentor you must be snowed in man haven't herd Boo from you lately man you all good?
Busy would be an understatement!
When I saw that someone had commented, I was thinking, who the heck is that? That said, yes it's been a while Ben!
Lots of things with the brewery, and once again reinventing the retail to keep it open and in the black.
3 new Grandchildren on there way, so we'll go from 3 to 6 in the next 4 months! My oldest is due mid March and my other daughter has twins brewing!
Planning for Vacation, a summer party for ~100 out of town family, a death in the family, and a health issue with my sister and my Mom to name a few.
Add to that, planning on adding a 16 X 24, 3 season room to the back of the house.
We'll see about Saturday, but no promises.
It would be great to catch up with you all, and have a beer or 3!
Busy would be an understatement!
When I saw that someone had commented, I was thinking, who the heck is that? That said, yes it's been a while Ben!
Lots of things with the brewery, and once again reinventing the retail to keep it open and in the black.
3 new Grandchildren on there way, so we'll go from 3 to 6 in the next 4 months! My oldest is due mid March and my other daughter has twins brewing!
Planning for Vacation, a summer party for ~100 out of town family, a death in the family, and a health issue with my sister and my Mom to name a few.
Add to that, planning on adding a 16 X 24, 3 season room to the back of the house.
We'll see about Saturday, but no promises.
It would be great to catch up with you all, and have a beer or 3!

:) :oops: :(

Good luck with all that Brian; the good and the bad! Hope to see you there for at least a few minutes
Looking forward to it as always hope to see some regulars and some new faces.

@Ozarks Mountain Brewery its been many drinks since we've been graced by your presence!

@Yooper it would be great to see your pretty face :p !

@The Brew Mentor you must be snowed in man haven't herd Boo from you lately man you all good?

I’d love to see you all again- unfortunately 4 or 5 PM on a Saturday is not going to ever work for me. We are always busy with dinner prep and finishing up household chores right about then. Have a great time!
I’d love to see you all again- unfortunately 4 or 5 PM on a Saturday is not going to ever work for me. We are always busy with dinner prep and finishing up household chores right about then. Have a great time!
Just pop in for a quick hello....
Because of the time zones, I'm one of the first ones in, but the meetings go on for quite a while, so pop in while dinner is cooking, or after dinner and see if the others are still there ;)
Just pop in for a quick hello....
Because of the time zones, I'm one of the first ones in, but the meetings go on for quite a while, so pop in while dinner is cooking, or after dinner and see if the others are still there ;)
Sometimes I do- but we’re usually pretty busy until about 8 PM EST or so, and it’s often too late. Evenings is when we have some down time. I’ll try- but it’s unlikely I’ll be able to.
Sometimes I do- but we’re usually pretty busy until about 8 PM EST or so, and it’s often too late. Evenings is when we have some down time. I’ll try- but it’s unlikely I’ll be able to.
Or order takeout...
Or order takeout...

I live about 15 miles from any town on an island accessed by a narrow 9 mile winding road out to the Gulf of Mexico, about 25 miles from a restaurant, and further from one I'd actually eat at. .....LOL. There is a takeout pizza place about 45 minutes away though. Nah, we'll stay on island. I go off island a few times a week to work at a cool place called the Homossasa Springs State Wildlife Park. Yesterday I helped with hydro therapy for a flamingo, fed rescued pelicans, and watched a wildlife caregiver tube a flamingo down its through to give medication. On Tuesdays, I prepare all of the animals food for the next day, and we have a lot of native Florida wildlife including Florida panthers and manatees (plus a hippo, long story) That's worth going off island for! But for a mediocre meal in styrofoam? Nope
Or order takeout...

oh, and once I'm done working this morning on some things for Brewer's Friend and homebrewtalk, and soapmaking friend, I'm helping Bob cut up a wild hog.......So kinda busy today. But I miss my ability to make the zoom meetings for sure.
I live about 15 miles from any town on an island accessed by a narrow 9 mile winding road out to the Gulf of Mexico, about 25 miles from a restaurant, and further from one I'd actually eat at. .....LOL. There is a takeout pizza place about 45 minutes away though. Nah, we'll stay on island. I go off island a few times a week to work at a cool place called the Homossasa Springs State Wildlife Park. Yesterday I helped with hydro therapy for a flamingo, fed rescued pelicans, and watched a wildlife caregiver tube a flamingo down its through to give medication. On Tuesdays, I prepare all of the animals food for the next day, and we have a lot of native Florida wildlife including Florida panthers and manatees (plus a hippo, long story) That's worth going off island for! But for a mediocre meal in styrofoam? Nope
Be careful providing to much info, Don will track you down! haha
Sorry but I have a dinner arrangement for tonight and will not be able to make it. I'll catch up with you guys soon though
