Brewing Ozarks Blondie

it was designed to be a summer easy drinker manly for my 80 year old dad who drank 3.2 lite beer all of his life but I fell in love with it too
Yeah i can see a bit higher carbonation and this beer will be very smashable:p.
Im looking forward to seeing how this one pans out at this stage i think im tasting some of that rice that im not used to in the mix.
Remember it’s a 30-day beer, its best at least after 15 days of cold aging and 30 is better, that rice will blend and it will all meld into a nice lite
Its sitting at 1.014 68% attenuation so it should drop 2 or more points but im not expecting much fermentable sugars left as i actually mashed at 70c.
I think you may be surprised...WLP090 should do at least 80%. It'll probably dry out quite a bit from 1.014. That yeast is a monster and 3 days is about the right cycle for most of the fermentation. Last batch I did was a session Pale Ale that went from .041 to .010 in less than 5 days (didn't check it before that) and then went to .007 or .008 by day 11.
As for being watery at this point, that should change with carbonation. But...being lightly hopped and using that yeast, it will probably remain a really dry. crisp finish. That's one advantage of the Belgian yeasts - they tend to lend more mouthfeel to light beers. The low-ABV Belgians I've done has had a nice, light but creamy mouthfeel.
Yeah I'm picking up what your putting down the hydrometer sample just didn't look too active. But yeah I've never had this yeast attenuate below 80%:). The last beer I brewed with it Dingo Drool it started mid 40's and attenuated down to 1.006.

It will be interesting to see How it goes.
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Well it hasn't moved. Gravity is still at 1.014 even after swill and temp rise to 21c so it's a cold crashing now. I'm thinking either the yeast stalled on me or the high mash temp of 70c produced a whopping amount of unfermantables and that resulted in the higher than usual finishing gravity for this yeast.

Anyhow I'm keen to get this off the thick trub bed and into a stainless keg and conditioning now.
Well gaving a little sample post 24 hr burst carb and tasting smack bang on for bitterness even if a little is from yeast in suspention but a touch sweet from the under attenuation. It looks nice and pale plenty cloudy a little head which will all come good with a little age. Aroma is there subtle but more so than ive had in my lagers. Mouthfeel is light but not as watery as i thought judging feom ferment sample its plenty crisp and refreshing. A few weeks will make this beer sing:).​


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Here is a more cleaner sample than before. It really is a light bodied almost flavourless blondie perfect beer for thoses that like that kinda beer. Cheers Oz i deffinetly shall brew this again.
The colour is a little lighter than pic its late dusk arvo.

Im thinking a 500g of munich malt would go well to just boost that malt flavour i bit...


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Beauty! We're past the hot-weather beers here, but we never have too long to wait! :)
I'll be brewing Porter, Stout, big IPAs for a few months before I start thinking of Blondes and Lagers again. ;)
