@Ozarks Mountain Brew
Gday Oz im looking at brewing you Bondie brew mate so have a few questions that i hope you dont mind answering.
First off how do i link this brew to your recipie? Ive coppied it and tweeked it as youll see to my profile and what ive got on hand grain and hop wise. I guess its not an exact copy so maybe i cant link it in to your master recipie. Unless i click brew on your drop down menu recipie icon and make a snapshot
2nd queation im using wlp090 yeast youve got Abbaye yeast from fermentis how critical is this yeast in this recipie?
3rd question hops im opting for cascade at this moment but have plenty fuggles if you think that will play better as a substitute? Ive got plenty sazz for whirlpool which im actually going to hop stand @80c for 20min. Whatdya think?
4th question flaked rice ive got none but have plenty regular rice ive got brown white and aborio
. Whats the deal with the rice i cook this as per usual first then mash in or do i just mash longer and add the hard stuff in at 68c? Never done rice adjunct before in a brew.
Looking at brewing this this weekend i was going to make up my own blond style easy drinking ale but thought that blondie looked like a nice drop
. Cheers for any help...
Oh heres my tweek of your recipie if you want me to take you off as the source of it just let me know
Gday Oz im looking at brewing you Bondie brew mate so have a few questions that i hope you dont mind answering.
First off how do i link this brew to your recipie? Ive coppied it and tweeked it as youll see to my profile and what ive got on hand grain and hop wise. I guess its not an exact copy so maybe i cant link it in to your master recipie. Unless i click brew on your drop down menu recipie icon and make a snapshot
2nd queation im using wlp090 yeast youve got Abbaye yeast from fermentis how critical is this yeast in this recipie?
3rd question hops im opting for cascade at this moment but have plenty fuggles if you think that will play better as a substitute? Ive got plenty sazz for whirlpool which im actually going to hop stand @80c for 20min. Whatdya think?
4th question flaked rice ive got none but have plenty regular rice ive got brown white and aborio
Looking at brewing this this weekend i was going to make up my own blond style easy drinking ale but thought that blondie looked like a nice drop
Oh heres my tweek of your recipie if you want me to take you off as the source of it just let me know