Brewing conpetition

That's a win-win-win. drink beer talk about beer and eat good food all afternoon:)
Yea i still cant seem to get hold of one locally on the sunny coast. But ill ask around at this meeting.
State comp is on here in SA in late August , im already working on which classes to enter
So far an APA , American amber and Australian sparkling ale are all beers I know I do well and there are loopholes I know I can exploit like entering almost same APA as a British golden ale with just a smaller bittering addition and no dry hop so a single mash and get 2 half size brews
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I'll be on vacation may 7, for a week, I hope to hear results before I leave.
Well you wouldnt believe it ive bottled up my two competition entries. 1 category#25, B saison & 2 category #5,D German Pilsner. But of course i almost did your trick Mark D Pirate and labled the two enteries wrong as in submit differnt beers. Eg i put my pils label on my saison and saison lable on my pilsner. Luckily i was going fishing and decided to take what i thought was a pilsner for a little drinky whilst wetting a line. To my shock when taking a good swig i instantly discovered i was drinking saison and not pilsner:p. I could only imagine what the judges would have thought :D. The two beers are polar opposites i think all round.

Anyhow wish me luck brew comp is this weekend up harvey bay beautiful weathet atm to sink some nice coldies looking forward to mingling with like minded beer connoisseurs.


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Alrighty beers were submitted yesterday at martins place awesome set up for the comp at his house. He has a big L shaped pergola out door setting and the best thing a big ten tap line up with some tasty beers for all us entrants! There are over 160 beers entered so far so will be a fair mix there will be a few talks from craft brewers and such forth. I've already stocked up with a bag of marris otter and a few specialty malts including NZs Gladfield red back malt which I'm intreaged to try. I grabbed a few 100g hop bags nelson sauvin, Motueka a NZ sazza style hop and Equinox which I'm reading some green pepper mixed reviews from I hope this hop don't taste like this.

Judging kicks off @9am it's going to be a big drinking day will have to pace myself ha ha:p. Cheers all
Equinox which I'm reading some green pepper mixed reviews from I hope this hop don't taste like this

The green pepper is there but you have to look for it. It's not dominant. A few people at our club really like using it.
The green pepper is there but you have to look for it. It's not dominant. A few people at our club really like using it.
Ah sweet yeah im guessing its if you can percieve it. Looking forward to testing out these hops.
Alrighty beers were submitted yesterday at martins place awesome set up for the comp at his house. He has a big L shaped pergola out door setting and the best thing a big ten tap line up with some tasty beers for all us entrants! There are over 160 beers entered so far so will be a fair mix there will be a few talks from craft brewers and such forth. I've already stocked up with a bag of marris otter and a few specialty malts including NZs Gladfield red back malt which I'm intreaged to try. I grabbed a few 100g hop bags nelson sauvin, Motueka a NZ sazza style hop and Equinox which I'm reading some green pepper mixed reviews from I hope this hop don't taste like this.

Judging kicks off @9am it's going to be a big drinking day will have to pace myself ha ha:p. Cheers all
i found out the hard way to leave the high ABV offerings as half pints , Hop bomb IPAs till last as they're long days and you want to try everything on offer and be able to taste them shame in having a glass of water now and then too
What a great learning curve its been i got to sit in on the judging as a learner and get a feel for scoring on the pale ale table. There were a few great beers one which was a brett wild beer not in the pale ale category scored a 42 was my first taste of the wild side of brewin. The winner of the comp was a Belgian Dubble (spelling) scoring 44.

I dont find out how my beers scored till they email it through but i did see one of my empty bottles this morning so thats a good sign that it was finnished. Ive added a few photos one of the beer line up one of them was a barrel aged porter aged in a shiraz barrel that took on that flavour mmm nice. Scoring started at 9am we didnt finnish drinking till at least 11:30 some kicked on into the wee hours a long day of drinking. Mark i found your beer at the bottleo haha. I threw a pic in of the red claw crayfish or yabbies as we call em no food poisoning had by any. Cheers will update thread with my scores when they come through.

Next comp QLD state comp is in september im hooked now will start preparing for this one now:).


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Having a good time alone is worth the entries, learning on top of that priceless.
Well finally the results are in on my first homebrewing competition. Looks like my pilsner took second place in the pilsner category which im absolutely stoked with:p!

out of the three judges i scored a 37 40 & 41 with 118 points all up devided by 3 is 39 point average. Aroma comments were floral slight spice, Appearence great clarity nice head retention sweetness. Flavour was great malt character well attenuated. Mouthfeel good carbonation light body. Overall impression great beer just needs some tweeking requires minor fine tuning and please spell bohimian correctly (i misspelled it lol:p thats me).

So my saison didnt score too well it was 21 19 and 21.5 out of 50 in the good score but meh ill live and learn. ok so Aroma comments were hint of berry character no noticeable yeast notes/esters dry alcohol aroma medicinal aroma. Appearence gold with pink tinge very pretty good carbonation and head retention. Flavour very dry and astringent this is very dry almost watery beer no yeast flavour lacking hallmarks of style especially yeast flavour. Mouthfeel very astringent effervescent high carbonation ( which i thought was to style:rolleyes:) meadium light body becoming puckering astringency.
Overall impression this does not fit the saison category at all not enough yeast derived esters for style consider using comercial saison yeast and ferment cooler consider upping fruit additions manyfold.

Hmmm so yeah they loved me Pilsner bit hated me Saison but im loving the feedback on both regardless of the outcome. I do feel more comfortable brewing Pilsners and that was my second saison obviously ive got a lot to learn on that style i actually dont minf that saison drink but yeah its definitly not my best example of it.


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Good work, man!!!:D
I'm sure that's very gratifying. Pilsner can be a tough nut to crack.
My beers will go on the judging table next Wednesday. I hope I can have something good to report from it.
