Yakima Valley Hops - Hallertau (Mittelfruh) - Hops | Brewer's Friend
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Yakima Valley Hops - Hallertau (Mittelfruh)

Description: "This is the Kaiser of German hops. It possesses the classic noble aroma popular in all of the traditional German styles. Humulene is the prominent oil in the hop and comprises around half (45-55%) of the total oils. It has a mild bittering potential (3-5.5% AA), but is clean, crisp, and perfect for pilsners. Hallertau Mittelfrüh has seen a recent boom in popularity, with both farmers and growers, due to recently disease-free crops. "

Most Used In:

Style Uses Avg. Usage Usage Range
German Pils2859%20% - 100%
Munich Helles2072%23% - 100%
Märzen1670%20% - 100%
Weissbier1579%25% - 100%
Festbier1368%13% - 100%
German Pilsner (Pils)1261%24% - 100%
Kölsch1266%24% - 100%
International Pale Lager869%50% - 100%
Vienna Lager861%30% - 100%
American Amber Ale662%18% - 100%
American Lager672%25% - 100%
Saison653%20% - 100%
Belgian Tripel649%22% - 100%
American Wheat Beer657%17% - 100%
Blonde Ale535%26% - 50%
Munich Dunkel566%37% - 100%
Witbier590%50% - 100%
Weizen/Weissbier571%44% - 100%
International Amber Lager556%20% - 75%
Dunkles Weissbier593%67% - 100%
Altbier550%28% - 67%
Helles Bock556%20% - 100%