Yakima Chief Hops - Simcoe - Hops | Brewer's Friend
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Yakima Chief Hops - Simcoe

Description: "Developed by Yakima Chief Ranches and released in 2000, Simcoe® YCR 14 cv. is known for its brewing versatility and unique aroma characteristics. It continues to rise in popularity becoming one of the top ten varieties in the craft and home brewing industries"

Most Used In:

Style Uses Avg. Usage Usage Range
American IPA15531%6% - 100%
Specialty IPA: New England IPA7828%2% - 100%
American Pale Ale5839%4% - 100%
American IPA3135%8% - 100%
Double IPA1521%3% - 50%
Blonde Ale1254%8% - 100%
American Amber Ale1228%13% - 50%
Imperial IPA1134%14% - 100%
Specialty IPA: Red IPA1130%12% - 70%
Specialty IPA: Black IPA933%11% - 100%
English IPA836%3% - 73%
American Pale Ale730%6% - 41%
Specialty IPA: Rye IPA625%14% - 33%
Specialty IPA: Belgian IPA641%25% - 67%
Irish Red Ale661%45% - 100%
American Brown Ale553%41% - 72%