My first attempt at a Fresh Hopped beer. It was a really fun brew day minus picking hops in 86% humidity. There isn’t an option for the type of yeast I’m using. I harvested and propagated yeast from two cans of The Veil Brewing Co.’s BrozNightOut. I’m assuming it’s a mix of an English yeast and American. The aroma from the starter is quite fruity and pleasant. - August 19, 2019
Fermentation started around 5 hours after pitching the yeast and high krausen was reached on day 2 of fermentation, 24 hours after pitching. Whatever yeast this is, it's a beast! - August 21, 2019
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Last Updated: 2019-08-21 14:36 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Wet Hop Hazy IPA
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Wet Hop Hazy IPA
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
I don't think my first year hop plants had high enough oils to impact flavor/aroma. The only noticeable aroma and flavor I get is of a white wine which is pleasant. As the beer warms iin my glass, the citrus orange flavor comes out a bit. Strangely enough, this beer tastes better when I'm outside. I assume the outside air changes something about the aroma making it more enjoyable. Overall, it is a smooth beer and the base recipe would be great for a NE hazy IPA base. Great thickness and chewiness that I'm looking for in a NEIPA. I might use it again with just pellet hops next go around.