100% Simply Brand bottled spring water
The above fugures are close to what BF suggest in their profile for a light colored and hoppy beer.
Mash PH is 5.68, which is too high (5.2-5.3 ideal), but can't seem to get it down without adding massive amounts of gypsum.
-Water Chemistry figures were suggested by a profile BF offers for a light and hoppy beer, and produced by inputting the mineral figures on the bottle plus 1 TBS epsom salt and 2 TBS Gypsum.
Mistake. I forgot to put in half of the pale malt and had a temp of 69-70 and watery mash for 15-20 minutes as I waited for it to cool. I then saw mistake, added rest of malt and had mash temperature of 64. Mashed for 60 min from there. GOOD NEWS. At end of mash, temp was 64-65c, so seems okay.
60 percent bright tablet
Mistake. Sparge water was only 65c, so without thinking I dumped 1.5 litres hot TAP water into sparge, so no longer 1--% spring water.
Preboil gravity 1045. Start vol is 37 ltrs. Need to boil of 4 litres to have 33 litres and target OG of 1050.
Hopstand- didn't bother cooling, just wanted a few minutes, chucked hops in, stirred and left for 30 minutes with no further stiring.
OG 1050, 67% efficiency.
Poured wert through large mashing bag and into fermentor to catch trub and this worked well.
bottled on day 6. 145 gr sugar for 25.5 litres at 16c to produce 2.4 co2
fg 1011. 5.1 abv. Hoppy . bitter and the residual sweetness I have been looking for. very promising at tasting. Good clarity as well. Liberty bell rocks.
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Last Updated: 2018-05-26 17:23 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Spring Water IPA (Marital Issues IPA)
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Spring Water IPA (Marital Issues IPA)
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
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